p r o l o g u e

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As I walked down the hall, I was shown the upmost respect by anyone who saw me. Damian had proven himself not worthy of his inheritance, and so it was once again mine. I had been there first, and was told my entire upbringing was all for what I would receive.

The League of Assassins. And then Damian came along. Ra's then decided that because Damian was a boy, he would get the League.

Was I angry? Abso-fucking-lutley. Soon after, I was told I would become Damian's second. The one to give orders if he wasn't there. I can't lie, though.  I was fucking pissed.
I was still too young to run the League myself. So, Talia's second in command, Alexandra, had taken control.

I stumbled from loss of balance while fighting another member.

"Pay attention!" he shouted, and I regained my balance, trying once more.

"Paxton Al Ghul. Alexandra needs to speak to you." I was interrupted from my training. Pretty much a blessing the way I saw it. Interruption of training meant something important.

Ever since Talia had died, I wasn't the same. My training became sloppier, I wasn't trying as hard, and I just fell out of touch with everything. And I think everyone noticed. Especially Alexandra.
I knocked on her door, and she called for me to enter.

"Paxton Al Ghul, you have proven yourself skilled enough over these last four years to go off on  your own. I want you to go to Wayne Manor and kill every member of the family.

"Damian still poses as a threat to us, but you can't just kill him and leave. I don't expect this to be a short mission, it may take years for you to gain their trust. But once you do gain it, take advantage of it."

"Why now? Why all of a sudden?" I asked. I don't know what I was thinking. Even though the League of Assassins was practically mine, I was still a child, and she was still in charge.

"Are you questioning me, Paxton?" she asked, her voice rising in anger.

"No, Alexandra. Of course not," I stammered, looking at my feet in embarrassment.

"Now, where was I?

"You will take the next helicopter out of here. You will take a train straight to Gotham, and you will go to Wayne Manor."

"Yes, Alexandra. I won't disappoint you."

Little did I know, later on, disappointment was the only thing I'd be running into.
i know i've changed the plot of this book like 192838394 times but i actually like this one so i think i'm going to stick with it. hope y'all enjoyed! :))
                                                - ema <3

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