-| 21 / father dear |-

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As soon as Abbie, Alex, Ava, Crystal, Mia and Scott reached the palace's open gates, the princess gulped and blinked multiple times before slipping her hand into Scott's and stepping into the yard.

After that, she started clinging onto him for dear life and buried her face in his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her protectively.

"It's going to be okay...", he whispered at her, rubbing her back comfortingly. She didn't say anything, but she clutched on his shirt tighter.

The guards didn't try to stop them, but they asked them what the purpose of their visit was. They were already kind of familiar with Scott and barely recognised Crystal as one of the guests in the ball, but they had no idea who Alex, Ava, Abbie and Mia were.

"We're here to see King Daniel.", Scott announced.

"He isn't having any visitors today."

"Tell him his daughter is back.", Crystal gritted her teeth. The soldiers' eyes widened in realisation once she looked up and they saw what a resemblance she bore to Cheryl, and they immediately lead them to the throne room.

The guard told them to wait in the hallway as he went inside to inform the King.

"So you really are the lost princess?", Mia's eyes widened.

"Well, yeah, but it's not as fun as it sounds.", Crystal ran a hand through her hair, growing more and more nervous as she waited for her father.

"Wait... and Tristan was your brother so--", Abbie thought aloud.

"Oh my God, the lost prince stayed at our house.", Ava's eyes widened.

"I told you I'm not having any visitors today! It's the goddamn anniversary of the siege!", Daniel bellowed at the poor guard.

"Maybe we should come back tomorrow...", Alex grimaced.

"Your high- your highness, your daughter is here...", the guard stuttered, backtracking and opening the door.

"What? Let her in, dammit! Why didn't you say so earlier?"

The guard opened the door entirely and the six teenagers walked in the throne room.

"Agnes!", her father exclaimed.

"It's Crystal.", she corrected him apathetically.

Daniel noticed the boy his daughter was holding hands with and glared at him. "Harrow."

Scott and Crystal pulled away under the King's suspicious gaze. "Hi.", Scott waved at him awkwardly.

"I thought you said I wouldn't be seeing you again.", Daniel crossed his arms.

"Change of plans. We need you to build up your defences against your brother.", Scott replied.

"I don't see why. The walls at the border--"

"The walls at the border are so useless that three teenagers managed to sneak by and no-one noticed. Hell, your wife and a friend pass the border the same way one would cross the street! My brother died trying to warn you and you've done nothing. He died to save your sorry life so you could actually defend your kingdom. It's been a month and you've done nothing! Absolutely nothing!", Crystal snapped at him.

"Crystie, calm down--", Alex reached for her shoulder but she brushed him off.

"No! Alastor probably crossed the border and killed my brother, and you're saying that the walls are fine? They're about as great as I am right now, and that says a lot! Underguarded, badly maintained and, generally, just a big old mess! Reminds you of anything? Because that's what my goddamn life has been like ever since your brother got me tangled up in this royal mess!"

Crystal Hearts • Book 2 Of The Crystal Trilogy • ⏸Where stories live. Discover now