Chapter 3

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It was a fine spring day when Japan had returned to the country of Great Britain. When he walked through the castle gates with nothing to fear; he felt at home. The guards standing out front welcomed him with bows of respect and escorted him inside.

Before Japan walked into Britain's domain Lone scurried off to the side shrinking down into wolf form. Japan caught her black tail with a flash of red on the tip and shouted "Hey Lone? Where are you going"?

"Aww... and to think I almost got away unnoticed", Lone said with a sarcastic tone and her fang peeking out the side of her grin.


"Don't worry Kiku. I'm only going out to the pasture. I hear that Britain has some plump sheep this year".

Japan smiled at Lone and replied "Alright, but don't eat too many".

"I make no promises", Lone said as she leaped off heading towards the fields.

When they opened the door to Britain's guest office for him Japan walked into a large figure towering over him. Japan looked up in confusion and saw a man with blonde hair smiling down on him. He shouted "Hey! What's up Japan"!?

"A-America!?", Japan shouted unsure who this large young man was.

"Yeah who else would I be"!?

"It's not that! It's just... You got so big"!

"Oh yeah! Hahaha I'm taller than Iggy now"!

America and Japan Peered over at Britain that had his arms crossed in an annoyed way. America laughed again and replied "Yeah he's not too happy about that fact! Anyway! I'm so glad your here I want to show you something"!

"Like what"?

"I want to show you everything"!

Japan just gave a half smile being too startled by America's grown appearance. Britain bluntly shot down America's request "No America. Japan and I have to discuss some matters. We shall enjoy his company by being gentlemen and drink tea with him".

"No fair Iggy! You got to hang out with Japan last time! Now it's mine turn. Plus I think you bored him to death with your voice".

"Ahh! I can't deal with this right now! Go and play, but make sure you do not make Japan's stay unpleasant".

"There's no way it will be unpleasant! Come on Iggy! It's me America! The Hero"!

America grabbed Japan hand and swung him out the door sprinting towards the open fields shouting "Alright let's go Japan"!

"Ahh! America! Slow down"! Japan gestured.

Britain sighed setting himself down in his chair behind his work desk. He put his hand to his face looking a little tired, but the large pile papers and letters on his desk. He stared blankly at them and then reluctantly picked one up that said "With Love from Russia".

Lone was running through the tall grass and stopped perfectly at the top of a rock that stuck out near the left corner of the pasture. She gazed down trying not to be excited by the herd of sheep that were grazing just a leap down the hill side. From above the sheep looked like little black dots, but Lone allowed her vision to zoom closer and questioned the brainless animals.

"Huh? That's strange? Did Britain always have black sheep"?

She thought deeply on and then shook her head and let the thought go. She pressed her fangs together and told herself "Oh well. I guess they'll just have to do".

~To Be Continued...

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