Chapter 10

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America looked down at the floor concealing his blue eyes from Japan's view with his blond hair. Eventually he looked up looking into Japan's eyes. He almost averted his eyes, but forced himself to look on. His mouth stuttered a little "I-I don't want to hurt Iggy..., but I also don't want to hurt you. So as you can see...", America raised his left hand to his right eye and traced the wrapping of the bandages, "this is a bit difficult for me".

Seeing America wounded made Japan quiver with guilt and regret. It was heart breaking to see a friend get hurt because of him, but of course it wasn't the first time. He knows from the full front experience.

America's gaze drifted towards the lower left corner as he lowered his hand back down to his side. Then he looked back at Japan as he began to inch closer towards him by taking long strides. When he reached close enough to look directly down at the confused Japan, he looked at him with an unreadable gaze. Japan couldn't tell if he was sad or mad, he couldn't see anything except blurry, muddled, blue eyes.

"...?", from Japan's lips, soft words escaped, unsure of what to say, "...America?...Alfred"?

Without a response America dropped to his knees, wrapped his arms around Japan's waist, and nestled his head in the pit of Japan's stomach. Trying to hides his husky voice he said "I know I'm childish, or immature, or naïve, or whatever the hell it's called..., but I'm not too young to understand the truth".

Japan looked down at America's pitiful state with indifference and with his hands brushed against his broad shoulder's that suddenly began to shake. He could feel America's strong hands constrict around his waist and seeing how scared he was he couldn't help, but swallow his own fear and gently stroked his head. Japan stirred his fingers through America's blonde hair trying to calm him down, but it didn't seem to work.

"Please... Kiku explain to me how this... this is all a misunderstanding. Tell me that Iggy isn't doing this because he wants to create a war..., and that the rumor about you is false".

A stabbing pain began to pierce and sting at Japan's lower back as America dug his fingers into his skin. America's grip was quit tight, but Japan ignored the pain trying to come up with a response to his questions.

Lies are evil, dreadful, hurtful things; one with good intention's would say. They say that it is best to be honest and that lies should never be used. Lies trick the naïve children who search for sweets in the dark unknown, they trick the noble with a tender heart to let the drifter in to take all his silver, and they tell you that love does not exist. Truth is good, and lies are bad, but maybe it's okay to lie because lies cover up the hurtful truth. In this case, it is possible for amazing things to come from some terrible lies.

After waiting a moment to relax himself, Japan finally let out his masked words "T-this is all... a misunderstanding. There is no rumor about me. It's all false... and Iggy isn't doing this for war. Yes, I am most certain that he is doing this for his precious little America", Japan choked a little on his words, as he tried to twist them into to something truthful, "Who can blame Great Britain or any other country. We are part of the world and even if we lose our sanity we will still seek the knowledge that will make our country strive, and anything that will make us still want to be a country. It takes so much strength and courage to carry the weight of land on your back".

It was a bitter sweet moment for both of them as Japan sat there cradling America's sobbing head and as America knelt there wrapping his arms around Japan's waist and buried his face in his stomach. For a little while they just stayed there motionless enjoying the long awaited quiet moment.

Unfortunately for both of them they could hear banging on the door. America jolted upward quickly facing himself towards the door. He grabbed Japan by his forearm and pulled him along to the further back of the room.

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