Chapter 8

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Japan didn't know the place well enough to make his way around. Britain's house was mostly made of stone and iron. The winding corridors didn't help at all; although getting lost was the least of Japan's worries.

While running around Japan checked with caution for Britain's guards. He eventually found an unlocked room and didn't hesitate to take the chance to hide. He stumbled inside trying to get out of the halls, and then he quietly closed it behind him.

He was breathing heavily almost hyperventilating. He gripped his chest and hugged his shoulder to try and calm himself down. Millions of questions scrambled through his head; questions that would have to remain unanswered.

Japan looked around with weary eyes and the room looked like a small office. It had a dresser, table, paper, a couch, and a chair in the corner. He couldn't stop wondering about America and Britain, but he quickly cleared his mind and thought of a plan. He saw a metal statue of armor with a sword in its motionless hands.

He pried it from the cold metal and held with two hands tightly on the hilt. He gave it a strong swing and the tip dropped with a thud. Looking at it with a nervous expression he said "It's heavier than my katana... too heavy".

Japan wiped the sweat from his forehead and swung again trying to get used to its weight. After a couple practice swings he suddenly heard clanking metal coming from the hall. He jolted from the noise and froze in a defensive position. The sounds grew louder and eventually they stopped in front of the door. It seemed like an eternity as the door knob slowly turned as it made an agonizing squeaking sound. Japan gasped as the door knob made a full rotation and the soldier made their way in side.

To the soldiers the room seemed empty. Nothing strange except a statue missing a sword and a few indents in the floor. Japan watched them through a crack in the doors of the dresser he had quickly stuffed himself in with the sword.

The soldier checked under the bed, out the window, and above. One last place and Japan would be caught. A soldier walked over to the dresser with his metal armor clanking together. Japan gripped the sword tighter and when the soldier slowly pulled the two doors apart Japan leaps out screaming. He thrusts the sword into the soldier's neck slipping between the helmet and chest plate.

Blood splattered across the walls as Japan blindly swung his sword around. Japan's reckless, but frightened swinging made the other soldier back up. With his back never towards his opponent and his sword always ready, Japan slowly made his way out of the small room. He dashed down the hall trying to find some sort of exit, but Britain's guards persisted on him. His frightened eyes turned to fierce ones as he drew closer to them. He stepped firmly with his left foot and slashed one soldier on the right, then the left, and then right again. It was a fast step move that he was a master of. It would have been a lot less messy if his weapon wasn't so heavy though.

He was making his way through this maze cutting down anyone that stood in his way, but Japan was beginning to exceed past his limitations. His agility was draining, his thinking was cloudy, and his chances of escaping were dwindling by the second every time he swung his sword.

Eventually he came across a heavily armored guard with a huge steel shield. One would say that such a thing would be impenetrable, but Japan stood firm and dashed quickly without thinking, and that was his downfall.

The guard stood there waiting for Japan to come to him. Japan leaped high in the air with his sword above his head yelling "Aaaahhhh"!!!

The guard lifted his shield and Japan slammed his sword on the heavy metal and the force of his blow went through his sword and a sting vibrating pain rung through his wrists.


Japan dropped his sword and fell hard to the floor not able to move from the shock of the impact on his thin wrists.

"Ahh... ngh! Haa...".

By the time the pain calmed down Japan was already shackled and taken down to the dungeon where Lone waited. The guards were dragging him by the collar of his shirt and when they opened the cell they tossed him inside as if he were a piece of meat for the dogs.

Lone was on the other side of a thick stone and she jolted at the sound of the iron cages opening and closing. She shouted not knowing who was on the other side "Kiku"!?

Japan groaned as he tried to roll over on the floor and shifted himself towards the wall. Lone was eager for a reply, but all she could hear was sniffling and a stuttering voice.

"You were right Lone... you were right all along".

~To Be Continued...

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