Chapter 5

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"America where exactly are we going"?

"To my secret place"! America shouted pulling Japan along. Japan wasn't sure what was going on, but he decided to just trust America. He always thought ever since he met America for the first time that he was just a naive little kid that knew nothing but happiness and had no idea what the real world was. Although the more that he thought about the careless America the more he thought; maybe... it would be nice to live life... with eyes closed?

The whole time they were running America would always look forward with his head held high. Japan would look up and see the smile on his young face, and the sun rays that would light up his eyes and make his blond hair look like flowing gold. It inspired him, and made him feel special to be in his presence and to have his hand held tightly by America's big hand.

Eventually they got to a tall wooden fence. America stepped back a few steps and than ran and leaped onto the fence without breaking a sweat. He sat on the top and then reached out his hand to Japan.

"Okay grab my hand".

Japan looked up at the young country and saw a bright future with in him. A wild and free future that will allow him to spread his wings wide through this vast blue sky.

Japan smiled, or at least tried to, as wide as America's as he grabbed his hand tightly. America pulled him upwards onto the fence and asked him "Okay just hold tight to this".

America guided his hand to the post of the fence and Japan held it tightly. America jumped down, turned around, and held his arms up.

"Now jump! I promise I'll catch you".

Japan readied himself as he leaped, filled with trust, into America's strong arms. America caught him and then place him down on the ground.

They both turned and saw before them a semi-tall field of grass. It reached up to Japan around his waist. For America it reached only up to his knees. He stood there taking in the fresh air and then shouted "Okay let's get going! Don't worry about the ticks as long as your wearing long pants they shouldn't bother us, but to be safe I'll check you later"!

America then began to pull him along again through the field of tall dry grass. When they eventually reached the center of the field America let go and began to spread his arms out wide as far as he could. Japan gazed upon his figure as he resembled him to an eagle soaring freely through the sky.

The wind blew through his golden hair as he embraced it. His cowboy hat flying backwards being held down by a string loosely tied around his neck.
Japan was mesmerized by his figure and became lost in thought until America gave a small laugh "*chuckle*".

"Huh? What was that laugh for? You usually shout out your feelings"?

"I was just thinking that it was funny. Only a couple years ago did I think that every time when I'd come out here I had always thought that the grass had grown shorter, but in reality it was the other way around. The grass wasn't growing shorter; I was getting bigger".

"Well that would only be natural. Wouldn't it"?

"Of course! Haha! But... I just can't believe how much time has passed. Everyone I see is so surprised by how big I am because I used to be such a small country. I mean the grass used to be up to here only a couple years ago"! America stated holding his hand up to his chest.

Japan couldn't understand America's reasoning to tell him this, but he knew that he didn't speak like this often so he decided to soak it all in as best he can. Not knowing what to say Japan asked "America... Do you not want to grow up"?

"No! Of course not! I've always wanted to grow big and be a big country! It's just... back when the grass used to be over my head...", America gave a long pause and his expression sad and somewhat remorseful, "that's when Iggy and I were... we were still...".

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