Chapter 7

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Lone was out in the central courtyard waiting for Japan to return to his room, but never did he expect that Japan was never going to be returning to his room. She never thought that she would be surrounded by British guards with spears pointed at her. "What is the meaning of this"!

"We are ordered by his majesty to take you and your master into custody! Now come with us quietly and you won't get hurt missy"!

"Missy?! As if I would ever be called missy"!

Lone always kept her mask on never revealing her true face at least in human form. When she unleashes her true form everything turns to ash. Not concealed by the shadow of her mask a smirk appeared. Suddenly a strong gust of wind began to swirl around her.

"Instead of missy... how about a beast consumed by crimson and tainted black by shadows? A demon that was born by the flames of hell?", the wind eventually turned to flames and she was pulled into a void. In seconds it burst to let out a dark crimson beast with the mask the only thing letting completely transformed, "I am the child of the guardian hound Cerberus".

The beast made a low growl to the frightened guards. They eventually dared to move closer as Lone slowly moved her canine head down to the side of her left leg. She waited for the right moment and roared with such a force to push everything away from her presence. It made the castle shake, the ground rumble, and her mask shatter to dust. Her fierce wolf eyes made anyone who dared to attack fear for their lives.

Lone took one paw forward and than another daring the guards to come closer, but they did no such thing. The guards were all sweating with fear and eventually one guard yelled "Retreat! Fallback to the east gate"!

The men all ran out from the central courtyard and headed for the east gate. Lone lunged and chased after all of them not letting them escape. She managed to catch one of them in her teeth and trying to gnaw past the metal armor she gave one big chomp and the man as nothing but a pile of blood and shredded intestines. She continued this pattern until they led her to the east gate.

Lone was a cunning demon and took great pride in herself, but very loyal. Even though she is a high ranking demon from the darkest depths of Hell she can still tend to resemble that trait of a human called being blind.

She stood her ground strong in the center of the courtyard baring her fangs. She made a quick leap and slashed them all with her tail sending them flying against the wall. Some remained alive even conscious as they quickly got to their feet and tried stupidly stabbing her with their twig like spears.

"I admire your bravery pesky humans, but you are no match for a demon such as i. I'm afraid our little chase ends here"!

Lone's fur lit a spark and it shimmered in crimson light. Clumps of her fur melted, and then sharpened at the tip with new fur already growing beneath it. She tensed up, arching her back, curving her tail, and tightening her paws. She released her deadly spikes with just a swing of her hips, but something stopped them and deflected them straight back at her.

Lone stumbled and barked at the pain. She stood up again not thinking about what just happened and shook off all the spikes. The anger and hatred in her crinkled face showed brightly as she dashed for only a single soldier knowing the fact that between each certain attack takes time to do again. Although when she reached a certain length her head a hit what felt like hitting a steal door. Her body recoiled from the impact, stumbling backwards again.

This time she stopped in her tracks and gave quick glances towards all the still standing soldiers. She didn't notice anything out of the ordinary until she heard footsteps coming from behind her. She glared at the shadowy figure as it slowly walked into the light.

Once the light reached towards the figure's face Lone could tell who it was by the thick black eyebrows across its forehead. It smiled with cockiness and looked down upon the confused Lone "Wondering why? Look down at your feet".

Lone reluctantly looked down at the stone floor to see a transmutation circle carved into it. While she was distracted by the transmutation Britain chanted an incantation that Lone couldn't understand, and before she knew it chains came sprouting out from the rim of the circle.

They wrapped around her waist, ankles, tail, snout, neck, and anything else that had the ability to move. All she could do was bark and growl at them. Once she was fully secure Britain knelt in front of her and with that irritating smile he asked "Did you think that I wasn't prepared for a servant of the devil like you"?

"Grrrrrrr!!! What exactly is the meaning of this Britain"!?

"Hmph? Why should I answer to you"?

"Tell me! You big browed tea lover"!

Britain scowled at Lone's insult and knelt down in front of her and just laughed. Lone growled at his smug face and demanded "Japan is your ally is he not? So why are you hunting him"?

"Japan was a very loyal ally and I thank you very much for that, but when it comes to a world war like this there are no allies. I know Japan's secret and almost every country on this earth is after him. A rumor so vague and unknown as Japan's would obviously put a target on anyone's back. Everyone wants to know just exactly how Japan became a country".


Lone lunged forward to attempt an attack, but the chains pulled back and tightened almost crushing her legs and neck. Britain gave a smug smirk to Lone's struggling expression as he knelt there calmly and confidently.

Lone could do nothing but bark and to her it was humiliating, but she new that wasn't the worst thing that could happen. She gritted her teeth together, growled, and vowed "If anything happens to Kiku, even if it may not be his desire, I will not hesitate to tear off your head"!

"Hmm...", Britain stood and before he walked out of the iron gate he replied, "we shall see"?

With no regrets Britain shut the gate to Lone's prison and with menacing eyes when he glared at his guards.

"I want him alive and unharmed. Now get him!", he demanded from his guards. His expression was twisted with insanity as he vowed to himself, "I want to make sure he can respond when I shove his dirty little secret down his throat".

Britain watched as they scrambled to fulfill the desires of their king. He was amused as they scurried like rats under the floors, and among them there was one little mouse hiding behind the walls. He eyes were lustful for power and in his mind he was obsessed with the prizes of war.

"Come out. Come out little mouse. There is a creamy piece of cheese at the end of the maze. Hehe".

~To Be Continued...

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