Chapter 4

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Far up in the northern hemisphere a battle raged on and on in the snowy blistering conditions of winter in Moscow. The icy wind never stopped howling, the snow refused to soften, and the gun shots and screams of reckless men never seemed to let silence take over.

"Sir what should we do?! Our enemy is attacking"!

Lithuania and Latvia were shaking in there snow leather boots with there guns at their side. Estonia was there captain that controlled the front lines. He shouted begging for orders trying to be louder than all the bombs that went off around them.

An extremely tall man that covered the bottom half of his face with a long white scarf and white hair stood up from a large bolder he was siting patiently on. He got up slowly and calmly for such a situation. He gave a sadistic smile to his comrades and said "Let no one escape. The victory will surely be us".

The man made long stride towards the shivering Latvia, patted his head gently, and whispered in his small ear "Right... Latvia"?

"Y-yes sir"!

"*chuckle* why are you all shaking? You three look like a bunch of wild hungry wolves with their tails between their legs".

Estonia straightened up, but his face had fear written all over it. Hesitating at first he stated "Sir? This is a battle. We are in the middle of war! How can you be so casual during such a time"!?

The tall man with the scarf glared at Estonia for speaking so abruptly to his commanding officer. Estonia stepped back as Lithuania and Latvia shrieked cowardly at the mans cold stare. Questioning his authority was something that these three should not dare to ask.

The man only had his cold stare on for a moment and then started to chuckle and smile again.

"Estonia you know better than to question me? At least you should"?

"I deeply apologize for my rudeness, but we're in a crisis right now"!

"Oh you're so mean Estonia. You should have more faith in me. Like these two".

The man walked behind the two and placed one hand on one of their shoulders. He leaned in and asked "You guys have faith in my strength right"?

"Y-yes sir"!

"You see Estonia there is nothing to worry about. As long as you three remain loyal to me you shall be safe. I will protect you with the strength of my country".

Russia grabbed a metal pipe with a faucet a tranches to the top of it and carried a bazooka on his shoulder. He walked forward past his subordinates with a grin that you couldn't see beyond his long white scarf. He laughed as he walked out onto the battlefield as his subordinates feared for the worst.

When the opposing soldiers spotted him they recklessly attacked the large man. Three of them charged all at once, but it was useless. With one swing of his metal pipe he split the closets soldiers skull in half. The blood splattered all over the other two soldiers as they fell backwards from shock.

They shook in their leather boots and one stuttered to say "I-It's... h-him"!

"T-The demon that walks in the blizzard... searching for... searching for..." the other soldier said trembling.

Russia looked down and smiled at him with closed eyes and asked calmly "Just what am I searching for"?

"F-for... for a beating hea- Ugh"!

Russia thrusted the metal pipe through his sternum and pulled it out ruthlessly as the limp body spewed out blood onto the white snow.

The blood was scattered even on Russia precious white scarf. He made a childish frown when he saw it all stained red.

"Aw Ukraine won't be happy when she sees that the scarf she made me was ruined and by your petty blood none the less". He said as he kicked the limp piece of flesh.

He turned to the last soldier who was crawling backwards slowly. Russia smiled at his frightened expression and stated "I never liked that saying. It never suited me; at not least here".

"Stay away! You here"!

Russia got right in the soldier's face and stared coldly into his eyes.

"I mean why would I search for something so warm in a place as frozen as this"?

The soldier scurried away but the man just laughed and fired his gun upward. It made a high arch in the sky and landed with great force sending the enemy sky high.

Russia smiled and giggled as he walked back to his base stating "It gives me great pleasure to see you guy's blow up from my big unstable guns".

His subordinates refrained from speaking until Russia sat back down. Latvia surprisingly started to speak "Um... Sir Ivan-"?

Latvia was silenced by Russia's cold stare that peered over his shoulder. Russia spoke in a serious tone with his back still turned "Latvia"?


"I know I stated before that it was funny to give myself a human name, but now... it is nothing but sheer stupidity and a sign of weakness. I will not stoop to Little Japan's level. Am I clear"?

"Y-yes R-Russia".

Russia turned back around and sat down as he calmly crossed his legs and folded his hands in his lap. He spoke with a malevolent grin "My dear comrades do not fret. We are the Soviet Union, we fight for our country and queen, we will make our enemies cower like hungry wolfs".

The three countries bowed for before their commanding officer and replied "Yes sir"!

They left to finish off the battle that Russia had started. Russia had other thing to do. He left his throne and headed deeper into the base. He unlocked a metal door that opened to a room keeping whatever was inside trapped inside.

Russia closed the door behind him and walked towards the center of the room. It was like a bed room except it was plain and secluded as if it were meant for a locked away princess.

Near the center of the room was a bed with messy sheets and scattered pillows. On the bed sitting motionlessly and almost lifeless was what looked like a boy on the outside, but on the inside his mind was filled with wisdom and ancient history that no one knows. His mind was filled with four thousand years worth if knowledge of an ancient country.

He was shackled to the bed by a chain on his left ankle and clothed by a silk robe. His long brown hair was damp and messy and his eyes were muddy and colorless.

Russia smiled as he walked up from behind him. He sat on the bed and wrapped his bulky arms around him. Russia hugged him tightly as he chuckled and whispered in his ear "Hey your still up? I would have thought you'd passed out by now? Your stubborn, but that's okay. It's more fun when it's a challenge".

Russia played with his lifeless body fiddling with his hands, stroking his stomach, and smelling his hair. He lifted the man's left hand outward as if he was getting ready dance, and kisses it gently, but with no compassion. He giggled at his blank response and stated "Did you hear? Britain is accepting my letters. The hard part is over now and soon our labor will bare fruit".

Russia slowly pulled down his robe to feel his back and traced a dark scar. He made a cunning grin as he felt it with his middle and index finger. He then leaned in closer while breathing on the back of his neck he asked "Hey China? How much do you despise your little Kiku"?

China almost flinched a little when he heard the name Kiku. His eyes became watery and eventually one overflowed and a single tear rain down his cheek and seeped into the sheets as he said softly "...Kiku... aru-yo"?

~To Be Continued...

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