Prologue (Rewritten)

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It's funny how Death is able to change someone's eyes in such a drastic way.

The once so beautiful, shining, bright ocean-coloured eyes, with that irresistible glimpse in them when she smiled... It was all gone.

All that was left of it was darkness. Like a thick mist covering her eyes, blocking them from ever seeing again. Like a wall.

A wall between me and my only source of happiness. 

But it was a relief that the same beautiful blue eyes were here right in my arms, and even when they were red from crying and filled with tears, the similarities between his eyes and his Mother's was unmistakable. It made me smile, and distracted me from all the tragedy that just occurred and crushed my heart completely. His eyes glowed a shiny blue, together with his peculiar shaped birthmark. His entire presence, his entire appearance reminded me of the stars in the universe.

It's really true that stars can't exist without darkness.

I cradled him in my arms. Something fell on the forehead of my son's face. My eyes widened, and I anxiously wiped the substance away, afraid of it being some kind of poison that would harm my perfect son in any way. But I soon discovered that those, in fact, were my own tears falling down. As a demon who was claimed to be unable to feel emotions, I sure as hell was feeling a lot right now. Grief, anger, sadness... but also happiness. The happiness only my wife and my son could give me.  I wish I could look at my newborn son forever. 

But I couldn't.

With a crash and a scream, my son disappeared, crying because of the unfamiliar arms he was forcefully put it, not used to the incredible coldness radiating of the human's arm. If you could call that heartless monstrosity a human being. 

I screamed, I yelled, I cried for him to come back. 

"Please don't take away the only light I have!" I screamed.

No response.

In only a matter of minutes, everything that kept me alive, kept me sane, disappeared out of my life.

 I was left with only a broken window, an empty cradle, a broken heart and the dark taste of revenge and bloodlust on my tongue.

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