Chapter 23

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Yes I am still alive! I finally found some inspiration again, so I can finally update more now. I'm kinda trying out a new style of writing, so please say what you think of it ^^

Ford's POV

Stars are so fascinating.

I could look at them forever.

Miracles of the universe, is how I like to call them. Burning balls of helium, hydrogen and gas, lighting up the sky and forming the strangest kind of beauty. They get your attention, and form your thoughts in a way that it feels like time is standing still. 

They calm me down, they comfort me. They give me happiness.

But it's sad.

It's sad too realize that the only thing that comforts you is already dead when you look at them.

I think the best way to describe Dipper was a star. A raving ball of light and energy, never failing at putting a smile on people's faces. He looked so bright, but was so dead. 

And just like with a star, people never noticed. 

They always point at them while saying: 

"Aren't the stars beautiful tonight?"

They never say:

"Those stars are dead. Do you think it screamed for help while it was slowly burning out?" 

And oh, how they scream. Even though there is no sound coming from behind Alcors gritted teeth, I can see the desperate screams for help in his golden eyes.  Begging for release, to finally be done with the eternal struggle he will never be able to escape.

I think I saw a small glimpse of the old Dipper behind his black and golden mask. I swear to god that I saw a blue Pinetree reflecting in his eyes, right next to a yellow triangle. Separated, not merged together. Like two separate sides, two separate personalities.

But what do I know? I was probably just hallucinating since the oxygen was being forcefully strangled out of my body.

Oh yes, wait. I was being strangled. I'm being murdered.

Why was I not resisting? Why was I thinking about stars? I should've be fighting for my life.

But I didn't.

Stars are so fascinating. 

I could look at them forever. 

They were shining down from above me.

And I think they're coming closer. 

Alcor's POV

People were right when they said that revenge was sweet. It was so sweet that I practically experienced the sugary taste of wine gums on my tongue. Like strawberry chewing gum. Like the maple syrup, Shooting  Star and I always stole from Fez' kitchen cupboard to have syrup races with. 

That memory almost made me smile. Almost. 

I knew that if I gave in to those memories, stopped resisting my old self and just closed my eyes, I would lose everything that I had worked for. Father's death would've been for nothing.

"Soos' death would be for nothing too. You mercilessly killed him. Murdered him. How could you?" 

The sudden voice in my head almost made me lose my grip on Sixer's throat. The voice sounded so familiar. Too familiar.  Then I realised it was my own. My old self, the one I thought I'd finally destroyed, was whispering to me from the dark, insane abyss called my mind.  

"I can't believe I'd ever let it come to this. They may not be my family, but they cared for me either way. How could you do this to them?" 

I gritted my teeth to prevent me from screaming back at that pathetic little voice in my head. How is it possible that this little weakling is still resisting? How is it possible that he doesn't see the pure evil these humans are made out of? They killed of the only thing I had, the only family I had. Remembering that just moments ago I held the limp body of my Father in my arms, made me so furious that my hands start to be engulfed in golden flames, and my hands wrapped tighter and tighter around Ford's neck. His face was slowly turning a disgusting shade of blue, but he didn't seem to resist. He just laid still, staring at the stars above us. He looked so peaceful, even though he was on the brink of death. 

It made me so fucking angry.

It made me so angry that I wanted to scream my lungs out. And I did.

I wanted him to resist. To squirm. To fight for his pathetic life while I squeezed the light out of his body. I wanted him to be angry at me. To be furious. I wanted him to feel what I felt when they took my Father away from me.

"I want him to resist! To squirm! To fight for his meaningful life while this demon I unleased is squeezing the light out of his body. I want him to give him another chance of continuing his research, to discover even more about the paranormal in Gravity Falls and become a hero! I want him to spend the rest of his life with his family! I want him to feel what I felt like when I went out in the woods, determined to solve all mysteries that laid ahead of me. I want him to be happy!" 


My sight started to get a blurry, golden colour, tears blinding my eyesight and wiping away the now purple-looking face of Ford. I screamed again. 

"I JUST WANT TO BE LOVED. TO MEAN SOMETHING. I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO ACHIEVE SOMETHING WITHOUT ANYONE HOLDING MY HAND AND GUIDING ME THROUGH IT. I JUST- I just want to matter. To achieve something in this short life we have. Why can't I just be ....normal?" 

Golden, glowing tears covered my cheeks. The voice of Dipper rang in my ears, begging me to stop, begging him to let go of Ford's throat.

"Please just listen to me. You do matter. I matter. We, together, we matter. I can prove that to you, but only if you let go of our Grunkle. We can talk this out, we can solve this. Maybe we can even find a way to bring everyone back?  Just let go of him, and everything will be alright."

My grip loosened. With steady confidence, my fingers unwrapped from Ford's bruised throat. 

"Oh my god- thank you. Thank you. Now we can just go away, to a quiet place where we will talk things out. Just with a snap of our fingers, we will be away from this place." 

Slowly I stood up, looking at the limp figure laying in front of me. Even though he looked like he was long gone, his chest was slowly rising and falling. Then I looked over to the right, where my Father was, lifelessly laying on his back, facing the stars. I could see the glimpse of a tear on his cheek, one that escaped after he let out his last breath. One that I failed to notice. A tear from a once emotionless demon, but now mourning over the fact that he couldn't live his life together with his only son longer. I clenched my fists.

The next moment my foot was on top of Sixer's neck.

"Wait Alcor, what are you-" 


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