Chapter 8

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Heya! I just want to warn you that this chapter has some suicidal and self-harming thoughts. My sadist ways are slowly rising... >:3 I dont want to hurt the innocent cinnabons here ^^ So if you feel really uncomfortable with that, only read the first two POV's  , until the second Dipper POV! :D

Dipper POV

My life totally changed, like Bill predicted. Their is a part demon inside me, that is giving me the same powers as Bill. And it wasn't even Bill's fault, he didn't even want it! 

It was four days since the fire-incident. The last few days were an absolute hell. I felt alone, even when my family was around me. 

I was alone on my bed. It was all silent in the room, but the voices in my head were bothering me. I knew it was the demon part inside me who were giving me those voices, so I couldn't let it go away, because it was litterally in my body. 

Mabel was already downstairs, her bed was empty. I stood up, left the journal on my nightstand and walked towards the closet to change my PJ's in my usual outift. Finally I put my hat on my head and walked downstairs. Stan and Mabel were already in the kitchen, and I joined them to. All eyes were on me, which leaded to me rolling my eyes in frustration.

"Hey, Dipdot..." Mabel said, breaking the awkward silence. Her voice sounded a little nervous. It irritated me, but I held myself together and murmered a greeting back. Stan just looked at me with a concerned expression, what irritated me even more. I was having those looks all the time! Even after what happened a couple days ago, I was still a normal person! 

You know that's not true.

A voice whispered in the back of my head. I knew he was right. I wasn't a normal person, I was part demon. A demon that couldn't control his powers. But, maybe if I could learn to control them, it could stay secret. Nobody could know this horrible secret.

I grabbed a bowl and poured milk and cereal in it. When I sat down the table, Mabel was looking at me like she had never seen me before. So annoying. We just sat their, in silen. I could see Mabel wanted to ask something, something bothered her. So I asked about it.

"Why are you staring like that?" I snapped. Mabels eyes widened a little . I immediatly felt sorry. Only a little.

"I-I'm sorry... I... Never mind." I sighed, then groaning. I grabbed my cereal and walked away from the table, away from Mabel and Stan. I could feel Mabels eyes burning in my back, but I didn't turn around. All I needed was some fresh air, to clear my mind. Or at least try to clear my mind. I packed my backpack with my journal, a flashlight, pocketknife, food and some water. Enough for a couple days. Some time alone would defenilty help me. I wasn't running away for ever, just for a couple days. In those days nothing could happen to my family, they would be safe. And I didn't have to deal with those stupid looks all the time.

When I laid my hand on the doorknob of the front door, a voice interrupted me:

"Hey Dipdot, where are you going?" Mabel stood behind me. Her voice sounded happy, but I could see in her eyes that she was nervous over the fact how I would react. I felt quilty, I was mean to her, and she didn't deserve it.

Didn't deserve it? She betrayed you! 

Ugh, the voice in my head was back. But a part of me agreed with that thought. I felt the dark anger growing again, and I knew I needed to get away before the anger would win. Otherwise I would do things I would regret later, again.

She doesn't trust you. 

She deserves it. 

She hurted you, why not return the favor?

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