Chapter 18

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Alcor POV

"So, what now? I learned to control my demon powers, can I now achieve my real form?"

My father and I sat in the 'living room', and I was totally exhausted. My father told me it was important to learn how to control my powers, so he trained me. It was pretty tough, but after a lot of blood, sweat and tears I managed to finally control it.

"No, my son. Your true power is still locked in your mindscape. You are the only one who can unlock it, but you have to be patient. Your time will come, maybe even sooner then you think."

That thought got me excited. My fathers powers were truly incredible, and I couldn't wait to achieve the same level in magic as him. Of course, my father was immortal and had training for over a million years, but still, it was something I really wanted to achieve one day.

My father knew about me wanting to achieve the same level of skill as him, and everytime I mentioned it he didn't say anything. He just smiled.

I hope it's a proud smile, not a mocking smile.

"So, what is the next step? I've had all the training I need, and I can't achieve my real form yet. What are you planning to do know, father?"

My fathers lips formed a small smile.

"I'm proud of you, my son. You are really eager to learn, and thats always a good thing to have. Our next step is going to be... surprising. I am going to bring you back to the Mystery Shac-."

"What? Father, you know I can't do that! They'll never let me back in the Shack!"

"Let me explain, Alcor," my Father snapped. I forgot he didn't liked being interrupted. I nodded and he continued.

"As you probably know, the Pines family is sometimes very... unpredictable. They can use weapons or spells that I didn't even knew that they posessed. I know you want to get your revenge a fast as possible, but we can't just attack them. It's to risky. But of course, the reason why they know those spells and have those weapons is because they have a place to find them in."

"The journals..." My soft whisper echoed through the room. My father nodded.

"That's why I'm sending you back to the Pines. You need to gain their trust again, take the journals and bring them to me. Then you can get your revenge." My fathers lips formed a small, sinister smile, and I smiled with him.

"But how can I gain their trust again? Ford tried to shoot me, so I'm sure he isn't going to let me in." My fists clenched to together when the memory of that moment replayed in my head over and over again. Those filthy liars...

"You need to convince them that I forced you to join me. That you made a deal with me to protect your 'family.' Tell them you escaped from me. No, even better; they need to see how desperate you are to break free. We are going to fight eachother. And they are going to watch it all happen."

What? My father and I were going to fight? But what if something went wrong? What if he accidentally hurt me? Or, what if I accidentally hurt him?

I think my father read my thoughts because he started laughing.

"Oh Alcor, do you really think you are going to hurt me? You might be a demon, but you surely aren't as powerful as me! If you would hit me it would feel like someone poked me! So don't worry about that." His gloved finger wiped away a non-existant tear under his visible eye, and I felt myself become red. Even though he became way nicer after he figured out I was his lost son, he still is that stupid, cocky asshole that he was before. I crossed my arms in frustration and shame.

He laughed. Again. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, don't you dare roll your eyes at your father. Since when did you become all sassy?"

"Since I found out you were my damn father, you wannabe triangle."

"Well you are a worthless excuse for a son."

"You are a worthless excuse for a Dorito. Dry and tasteless."

"Well I'll always be more salty then you."

We stared at each other, eyelids almost closed.

Then we both laughed. Our laughs echoed through the cave at the same time, and for a couple seconds it was the only thing I heard, until my own voice disturbed the sound.

"Good one father, good one."

We slowly sank back in our chairs, which we rose up from while we were having our little staring contest.

"Dont worry, son," My father laughed, pointing back to our earlier conversation, "one day you will be just as powerful as me. Oh, and don't worry about me hurting you while our 'fight', I'll use fake magic. It looks exactly like normal magic, so you can't tell the difference. Even Sixer can't see it."

I nodded, secretly being reliefed. I knew how powerful my father was, and the thought of him hitting me with his magic wasn't really pleasent. But I still wasn't sure about my father's plan. I needed that one final push to get me over the edge.

"But what if they don't believe our little act, father? They will sure kill me, or a least capture me and try to turn me back into a human. That can't happen. I don't want to get sucked back into that family of traitors."

"I'm a dream demon, the demon of the mind. I'll mess with their minds a little. Well, except for Ford then, I can't get into his mind because of that stupid metal plate. But I'm sure that if the whole family believes our little act, he will to. It'll be alright, Alcor. You will get your revenge."

That pushed me over the edge. I smiled at my father, the only person I could trust, and he smiled back. We didn't say anything, but we both knew what that smile meant.

It was time to set this plan into motion.


This was the second part of the last chapter. I'm sorry for it being very short, but I didn't know how to solve it differently. I hope you enjoyed it, even though it was short!

Stay sadist!

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