Chapter 3 (Rewritten)

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Stan POV

I couldn't believe Dippers parents would have raised him to slap his sister like he just did. I know something was wrong, but the thought of someone hurting my little niece made me almost see red. I didn't care if Dipper wasn't himself, that isn't an excuse for slapping your sister!

His small sleeping posture I was greeted with when I entered the kid's room, just radiated innocence. But there was also something else hanging in the air, like a dark, threatening presence that was watching the entire time. I shrugged it of as paranoia. It couldn't be that this little sleeping child was an evil presence. I couldn't even imagine him hurting his own sister.

Dipper was twisting and turning in his sleep, in a way that looked like he wanted to break out of his sleep and escape the world of dreams, but simply couldn't. It eased my anger, because I didn't like to see the kid in distress. Yet I decided to let him sleep, get his rest. Maybe Mabel was right, maybe it was just him having a hard time dealing with all the new things. Maybe it all was a little too much for him.

I walked towards him an stroked his hair in an attempt to calm his frantic twisting and turning down. It was only when I approached that I heard the muttering. Faint whispers left Dippers mouth, and I wasn't able to decipher what the hell it was saying. But the mutters sounded cold and strange, not really like Dipper at all. At some point, his face turned from an expression of uneasiness to one that I could only describe as incredibly frightening. The wide smile reminded me of the Chesire Cat.

At this point I was freaked out, so I decided it was time for me to leave. This was something for my brother to handle, not me, someone who has zero idea of what the hell to do with children in distress, let alone one that seems like he's being possessed by something unholy in his weird ass dream. I walked out, and noticed the small piece of paper on Mabels bed. The handwriting was messy and erratic, so it took me some time to figure out what it was saying.

Don't wake me up.

Under the words was a harsh line to emphasize the harsh command even more. I frowned, because I didn't recognize my nerdy great nephew through this small letter, and it confused me. I crumbled the paper in my hands, knowing Mabel wouldn't wake Dipper up anyone, and this piece of paper would upset her even more. I stuffed it in my pocket while walking out, and after I shot a last look at my nephew, I left the room, and so leaving the feeling of being watched behind.

Dipper POV

Sleep came the moment my head hit the bed. In a matter of seconds, I was engulfed in the darkness of a dreamless sleep, before I opened my eyes again.

But I felt something was off. I instantly knew it was a dream. Maybe because of the obvious clue of everything being black and white. It felt oddly comforting, the lack of brightness and colour. And even though everything was black and white, I didn't miss the cuts and blood that was covering my arms, and the immense pain that was running through my body because of it. The pain was unbearable, and I clenched my teeth not to scream out, even though I knew no one could hear me.

"I can make it go away, Pine Tree." The voice came from behind me, and it completely caught me off guard. I couldn't speak simply because of the pain, so I glared at him and pressed my arms against my chest to try and make the horrible feeling go away.

"What, cat got your tongue? Or did they cut it off, just like what happened with your arms?" Bill was all too amused with himself, and it only resulted in my glaring at him even more.

"Ahw, I will do this one as a favour kid," Bill said. "you're so boring when you don't talk." He snapped his black fingers and a strange feeling took control of my body. A mysterious light came out of the cuts and bruises, like the inside of my body was glowing, and the throbbing pain faded away.

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