Chapter Eighteen

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I hand a pile of scrolls and a week's worth of flatbread, dried vegetables, and a jug of water to Pari. The fashionable cad has his gold-streaked curls slicked back with some kind of aloe substance. A rash-like burn is developing over his freckled nose-bridge. Like Tawil, he's injured from the fight with the Dukun. A wicked scar's forming on his forearm.

Speaking of Tawil, Pari's been moping since the young father left to visit his child. Somber, almost like he's just going through the motions without actually feeling anything about it. I wonder why he's so obsessed. He's broken plenty of men's hearts before, even a few women too when he was bored. Why chase after a single-father drunk?

Shows what you know about love, Arni.


I shove the food at the lovesick puppy's face. "Take this and guard the foreign sorcerer with your life. Throw some random names out there and cross out any names that don't work. Remember the loophole?" I glare sternly at the sunburnt flirt for good measure.

He rolls his eyes at me. "Nama anda..."

I pat him on the shoulder, and he cringes at my touch. "Good patrolman."

I go for the stables, ready to grab my gray-black horse and ride out. "Saban won't be happy you rode out to Raja to meet with the former General Sol." Pari yells out to my retreating form. "Forget Saban. Your fathers may kill you."

"No, they'll kill you first, Pari, for letting me go at all." I can't see the golden boy's scowl, but I can certainly feel it. It burns into the back of my neck, the sheer force of resentment making me uncomfortable. Not that I care. "So, you better not tell."

I know he's going to tell. I can feel it. But I don't care.

I'm going out to see my friend. And not even the wrath of the Emperor shall stop me.


Kura runs out to greet me as soon as she sees my horse barreling towards their homestead at the outskirts of Raja. Cato's temple looms ominously behind it. "Bodoh! You damned idiot!" She takes the reigns; the horse gratefully being led to a water source. "Do your fathers—?"

"No," I tell her, dismounting as she checks me for bruises. "Where's Sol?"

"Out tending the goats." Her bony fingers dig into my cheeks, tilting my head this way and that. "I can't believe you did something so reckless, princess."

I shrink away from her worried grip, her piercings glinting in the light. Eyes like an iron trap. "What are you searching for? I told you I'm fine."

She snorts. "You're mad."

"Always have been." And with that, I make my way for the goat pen.

Sol's out there, caring for some goats that care more for the feedbag in her hands than for her monstrous, metallic appearance. Her axe-arm is tied to her waist with a blanket, the free human one feeding the tiny kids as their skinny, goat-legs clamber gently over her. Tiny baby goats being fed by a war machine. If it wasn't so sad for all of Sol's former glory and downfall, it'd be hilarious to see.

She turns around at the sound of my approaching footsteps. I can't read her face past those dark-brown eyes, the stunned features. Her hair is braided in looping coils. Instead of armor, she wears plain homespun clothes, suiting the farmers of Raja more than the military. "Princess..." She gets to her feet, shaky as the goats.

"General Sol, I—."

She runs up and grabs me by my shoulders, shaking me like a ragdoll. "You're an idiot!" Her rage is terrifying to witness firsthand. Her brown eyes spark with the beginnings of a fiery storm. I see her father in her then, Cato. War is in her eyes. War haunting the grimace pulling at her lips, the bared teeth. "You gods-damned idiot!"

I try to open my mouth to speak, but she shakes me again. My head snaps around my neck like it's been detached.

"You think coming back for me was heroic?" Her spit flies into my face. So angry, she's foaming at the mouth. "You think your fathers will think it was anything cute or kind? They expelled me because they thought I corrupted you, Arni. They thought I let you fend for yourself from a witch doctor. They thought I committed treason, and I was lucky to make it out alive from that throne room." She steps back, a shadow overtaking her features. The uncertainty in her eyes makes me sick. "Dear gods, they'll think I lured you here too."

"General Sol," I step forwards, biting back weakness. Biting back the pain of her so obviously not wanting me here. "You're my only friend."

She shakes her head. "Do you even know what you've done?" The animals even scatter from around her, perhaps sensing the sheer fury radiating from her metallic body. The sheer anger, like the coming of an earthquake. "You have to go back right now. Leave me here in peace, princess."

"But I can still help you!" I cry out, wringing my hands like I'm ten years old again. A mere child. "Let me help you."

"You've done enough! Why can't you believe that I'm happy like this? Maybe I was tired of being a general to an Empire that didn't even treat my father well, did that ever occur to you? The time for our friendship, it was over with that final battle for the witch doctor, Princess Arni. You have to let me go. Live your own life. Learn how to rule a kingdom instead of chasing after the past." She clenches her fists, and for a moment, I believe she'll lash out. Instead, she exhales. A semblance of rationality returns to her face, cold logic in the face of such fury. "Go home, Princess Arnina. Do your duty, whereas I failed mine."

With that, she goes back with Kura to pack enough rations for a return journey. They sharpen my weapons. They grant me oil for any aches from the heavy riding to reach Raja. When Kura hugs me, it's with sadness. "May Cato protect you." She whispers, kissing my cheek. Her lip piercing feels cold, even against my skin. I know I can't really feel the cold thanks to my Divine talent from baba Elio, but it stings all the same, even if I'm just imagining it.

With Sol, I only get an equally frigid silence.

"Go home." Her voice is gruff, filled with despair. "Before your father sends someone after us. Before you get us all into even worse trouble."

Abandoned by my friend, feeling as though it'd be better if I didn't exist, I turn back to Lioness Gate. I wander the lonely desert roads, wishing I was set upon by bandits, or worse. Wishing I wasn't such a clueless, spoiled brat who thought that everything would be alright if I just had one friend at my side.

And I couldn't even get her back, not without making her life even worse and possibly getting her executed for treason.

"Goodbye Sol." I whisper, rolling onto my side as I rest and make camp for the night. "I'm sorry..." The cold sets in at night. I wait for morning. "I'm sorry."



I don't know. I'm torn between saying ARNI YOU IDIOT, but also understanding she's extremely lonely and feels like an idiot for endangering her best friend in the first place.

Ah, character flaws.



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