Chapter Six

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"Papa?" I walk towards the figure dressed in light gold gauze, honeyed eyes, soft waves of dark hair that curls at the nape of their neck

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"Papa?" I walk towards the figure dressed in light gold gauze, honeyed eyes, soft waves of dark hair that curls at the nape of their neck. He's humming a soft harmony, the ballad I sang to him earlier, set to the tune of a lullaby. Standing at the balcony at the end of my room, a room covered in mosaics of ancient warriors and beauteous musicians strumming golden strings.

"I heard from the General that you're riding out to Raja to save children from some imminent evil." He laughs, the sound musical, sharp eyes glinting at me. Studying me, trying to see what I'll become. "Oh, dear heart, you're always out playing soldier. Just like yourbaba, Elio." He nudges my rib playfully, my raven hair damp from the bath I took, to clean off the blood from patrol. "But you got your grace from my side of the family. Remember that."

I join him at the balcony, moonlight gleaming off our skin. "If only uncle Boaz didn't take up all the smarts in our family as the Advisor. I have trouble with numbers and letters. It's probably why I go ahead killing things. Letting loose some steam."

Ryu clucks his tongue at me, pinching my chin between his fingers, tilting my head this way and that. "Oh, dearest. We all struggle with something. But you have all those other wonderful gifts to make up for it."

Something sours within me at those words. "Godly gifts?"

He raises a thin eyebrow at me, remaining silent for longer than I'm comfortable. Papa has a talent for that, judging without speaking. "No. Gifts from us. My singing voice. Elio's heroics. Gods, and your tongue is sharper than a needle. Even if it takes longer for you to read and add, you make up for it in how hard you work to learn anyways." He nudges me again when I roll my eyes at his theatrics. "It's true! I've seen mules act lazier."

"Papa, what did you do in that First Divine War? How do you know your destiny?" I wring my fingers together. "How do you know that it's you that's doing the saving, and not some other force pulling your strings like a puppet?"

Ryu pulls me into a hug, taller than me, but skinnier. I fear breaking him, so I relax my muscles as he holds me beneath his chin. "In Rahasia, the only thing we know for certain is that we know nothing." I hear his heart, even his heart beats musically. Damn, he'd be the best kind of royal love interest in a fairy tale. Sweet. Gentle. Kind and soft. Not all edges and a temper like me. "But you, Arnina..." Ryu's eyes steadily meet mine, honey and the sun. "You know so much more than you think you do. You have only to wait and see."

What a load of parental bullshit.

"I'll show you." I tell him. "I'll cut whoever's killing those children to tiny bits. I'll ride back with his head on a spike. I'll dismember anyone who tries to discredit the Empire. I'll make us strong. Fierce. No one will challenge me ever again."

"You sound like her," Ryu informs me, impatient with my insubordinate behavior. "Like Ode."

He thinks it's a compliment, but it's not.

I'm not Ode. Not that goddess of death.

I'll show them. I'll write a story only I could ever write. I'll make my own way.

I walk over to the bed, and Ryu makes to tuck me in. He runs his fingers through my hair, untangling the wet knots like he did when I was little. I fall asleep to his gentle humming, but my blood burns with the anxiety that always hits me before battle.

I'll show them.

I'll show them all.



I know I'm growing older, because when I was young I would've gone YEAH, ARNI, TELL THAT PARENT OFF! But now, I just feel bad for Ryu.

Sigh, puberty.


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