Chapter Thirteen

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I looked away when I saw his face. No... Not now... I stepped back, stumbling over my steps. I didn't want to see him, not his face. Doing the only thing that could be done, I faced the elderly guy.

"Come on, honey, it's just a ride."

I took a seat on the bench, finding everything else to do but watch him. If I had a flute I would have played it.

"Has the bus passed yet?" I finally mustered to ask the wrinkled faced guy.

He shrugged again and peered toward the road. Why was he even here then? I took a good look at the him and realizing he was definitely drunk. Oh great!

"The bus already left. I'm your only hope," Ricardo said wrapping his gold filled arm around the empty passenger's seat.

How does he even know that? He's lying!

"Come into the car, I won't bite. Besides, Anya sent me."

What? He's lying. My nerves wrecked my soul. Every second or two I eyed down the street wishing, hoping, praying that the bus would arrive. If today was the day, then I needed that blessing. Any blessing.

It was 7:10p.m and still no sign of the bus. My hands shook with fear. I swore it felt as if my body were shutting down. The bus was nowhere in sight and a creepy guy was offering me a ride. I hadn't a clue whether he was genuinely interested in dropping me home or had other intentions. I didn't want to find out.

"I'm not going anywhere until you come with me," Ricardo said, shutting his engine off.

"You're lying!" I shouted. "I'm going to call Anya." Digging into my purse with shaky hands, I fetched my phone and dialed her number.

"Hey! What are you doing? Don't... don't call her."

I could hear the nervousness in his voice. And--

"Hello?" Anya answered.

The moment she said the word, the bus made a right turn and steered towards us. The bus driver long pressed his horn, signalling Ricardo to move out of the way.

He cursed under his breath before starting his car and sped off. Yes! Saved by the bus.

"Hello? Hello! Maliah?"

Anya's voice echoed through my phone as I boarded the bus. I forgot I called her. Peering out the half-frosted window, my mind eased at the thought of Ricardo. As the bus moved off, I caught a last glimpse of the elderly man on the bench wasting away.

"Hello? Hello! Helloooo!" Anya shouted.

Oh crap! I fumbled the phone the my ear, "Yes, sorry."

"What's the matter? Are you ok? I only walked outside because it was you calling."

"Sorry for bothering you."

"What's the matter?"


"Are you serious?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. I butt dialed you," I lied.

Anya was at a charity function as a guest speaker. I knew she wanted privacy and no disturbance but I couldn't help myself at the moment. Ricardo was terrifying me. Telling her about him would only make her worry about something minor. It wasn't as if I were still in danger, anyway.

Anya exhaled deeply in annoyance and hung up. I knew she wouldn't let it rest at work when next I saw her.


On Sunday afternoon, I decided to organize and clean the apartment. When I walked outside for the mop bucket, I saw Rion and froze. He strolled into the yard like a stray dog.  Ugh!

"What are you doing here? I don't need anything fixed!"

He shook his head and by-passed me as if I were nobody. He made two strides up Ms Flint's stairs and turned towards my direction. "You're not the only one that I fix things for Ms Moore. Check your attitude, I don't have time for your condescending attitude." He sprinted up the stairs, disappearing into Ms Flint's house.

I rolled my eyes, sucking my teeth. "What a jerk!" I mumbled.

Grabbing the bucket from the floor, I paced back inside. I finished cleaning within an hour and went to return the bucket only to hear trampling footsteps down Ms Flint's stairs. Oh come on! He strolled passed me without saying a word, and I was glad.  He didn't worth my time, anyway. What an ass!

Feeling pissed about what had just happened, I curled into my couch and called Anya to vent.

"Hello? Anya?" I answered as soon as the timer on the phone started to count.

"Jeez, Mals, you didn't even wait until I said hi. What's up?"

"Guess who just passed and gave me a whole lot of attitude."

"Uh... I don't know? Rion?"


"Just like that? Just like that he gave you attitude?"

"Well... No, but it wasn't necessary."

"Mals, what did you say? You can be a bitch sometimes even when you're not speaking."

"What?" I held the phone at arm's length to check who I was speaking to. "Excuse me?"

"Yes, you have a lot of attitude."

I did an eye roll, "I just told him that I didn't need him for anything and asked why he was here."

Anya chuckled, "Do you know what I found strange, Mals?"



"Me? What do you mean me?"

"You won't talk to anyone, you would freeze up and also freak out if anyone crosses you. But him... It's like nothing."

"Uh... What? Are you for real Anya?"

"Yes! It's true."

I shook my head in disbelief behind the phone. "It's because he irritates the heck out of me."

"Gee! I wonder why?"

"Shut up Anya!" I knew what she was getting at. "Listen, I have to go."

"Sure! Run away from the truth."

I didn't even respond to her answer, I just hung up.

I took a long shower and made my dinner. I ate it while I watched a short series on the TV. It was relaxing to smell the freshness of my apartment. Cleaning every week always made my sunday evening special.

At quarter to ten, I turned off the TV, brushed my teeth and laid on my bed. I held a photo of Malik and I in my hands and stared at it. I always wondered how life would have been if he was still alive. I pushed it back into the drawer and stared at my empty phone.

It was weird that mom and dad didn't call for an entire week. Maybe they made up and are getting along. I thought. Or maybe they have killed each other. Oh God. I pulled my pillow closer to my face and dialed dad's phone number.

"Hello? Dad?"

"H... Hi... honey... bear." He hiccuped.

"Dad? Daddy are you drunk?"


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