[Special] Do Kyungsoo: Is That Alright?

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Note: So I wrote this oneshot as a gift to Ange (@kyungsupot) who celebrated her birthday last June 26, 2014. BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Lol. Sorry if this was late – busy with work. -_- I decided to post it here on my oneshot series rather than making a new story ‘coz it’s a hassle. XD Ange, I hope you’ll like reading this one and cheer up because I noticed that you were a bit down and not joking much anymore since the issue. Hihi.

Enjoy your birthday with Kyungsoo! :DD

All the songs and love stories exist for us
What do you think I feel? Is this love?
I want you to feel just like me

- Is It Love? By Park Sae Byul ft. Super Junior KRY

Is That Alright?

Six o’clock in the morning but I was already outside my neighbor’s house, knocking at his door. Some joggers were giving me weird looks, probably thinking how rude it was of me to pound at my neighbor’s door at that time. But the residents on that area were already used to it because I’ve been doing ever since I can remember.

I waited for five minutes and no one answered. Well, I expected that so I took out the spare key from my pocket and inserted it into the keyhole. I opened the door with a sigh. I’d been doing this for every single day of my life but he never bothered to wake up and answer the door.

I walked through the familiar hallways of the house until I reached the farthest room on the right of that single-floor apartment. I opened the door without the knocking courtesy and found the familiar figure, still inside the cocoon of his cozy blankets.

“Yah, Do Kyungsoo, you know the drill. Wake up now.” I said in a clear and loud voice.

As usual, Kyungsoo didn’t stir awake (or he was probably pretending that he didn’t hear me). I walked over to his bed and tugged at the end of the blankets.

Mentally counting to three, I harshly pulled the covers he was hiding on and he came rolling out of bed before his body dropped on the cold floor with a loud thud.

Kyungsoo held the back of his head, groaning in pain. “Could you be a little gentle?”

I rolled my eyes and threw the blanket on his face. “We’re going to be late, Kyungsoo. Just get up from there and take a bath. Or do you want me to give you one?” I smirked.

He removed the blanket from his face, sat up and stared at me with a frown. “I’m not a baby anymore so don’t offer that so casually.”

I knelt down so I was at level with his face. “To me, you’re still like a little brother who needs to be taken care of.” I grinned at him as I ruffled his messy bed hair.

When I was about to retract my hand, however, Kyungsoo took hold of my wrist and gave me a stern gaze. “I look like a little brother to you?”

I was quite taken aback by his reaction so the only reply I managed was, “Yeah, well.” I took my hand away from his hold and chuckled to ease the strange tension that surface, but it also came out as awkward. “You’re a little edgy today, huh? Well, you’re small compared to other guys our age.”

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