Kim Jongin: Building Sandcastles

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The feelings I’ve hidden still remain as a painful secret memory

The photos that can’t define our relationship is a heartbreaking story

I’m sorry, summer, now goodbye

- Goodbye Summer by f(x) ft. D.O. of EXO

Building Sandcastles

You’ve become the biggest disappointment in our lives, Hyemi. I don’t think I could even look at you the same way again.

Hyemi’s eyes fluttered open. She leaned her head against the car window, watching the road outside. She had never felt more miserable her entire life. They had just passed by the sign indicating that they were just a mile away from their destination. Just a mile away from her exile.

Half an hour later, the car pulled over the side of the road. Her aunt looked at her from the rearview mirror and gave her a small smile. “We’re here, dear.”

She just nodded before going out. The salty sea breeze greeted her upon alighting and she could see the sea from a distance. The scene looked its best especially now that it’s summer. She had always loved this time of the year when she was young and she was always thrilled to come here to spend the vacation. But right now, it couldn’t do anything to cover up the pain she was feeling.

She took out her luggage from the trunk just as her aunt came out of the car. “I’ll help you with that, dear.”

“No, it’s fine, Auntie. I can manage.” She pulled it along as her feet retraced the familiar steps towards her Aunt’s house. Nothing much has changed to the place since she last visited six years ago. She was fifteen then. She used to be so happy and carefree with the world. At twenty-one, her life was in ruins.

Her Aunt opened the door to her house and the familiar scent of her homemade brownies welcomed her. She never married and just lived that peaceful life by the sea. She loves cooking and her brownies were the best Hyemi had ever tasted.

“I hope you don’t mind using this room again, dear. It hasn’t been used for years but I cleaned it yesterday. Are you sure you’re fine here?” Her Aunt asked kindly.

“Yes, Auntie. Thank you.” She set her luggage down the floor. Hyemi thought she had already left but she remained standing by the door. She looked at her in question, and her Aunt opened her arms, beckoning her to come.

Hyemi wasn’t able to contain it anymore so she ran to her Aunt’s arms and started sobbing. She poured out all the pain she had been feeling for the past months while her Aunt hugged her and cried with her, too.

“It’s going to be alright, Hyemi. Time heals all wounds. I’m going to make sure everything that has happened will be replaced with better and happier memories, okay? Stay strong, my dear.”


Hyemi had already spent three days there at her mother’s hometown. She cooped herself up inside ever since she arrived but finally her Aunt had managed to convince her to go out and breathe in the fresh air.

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