Kim Junmyeon: Across Countries

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Oh even if the world ends, I’ll follow from behind you

So please don’t go out of my sight

Even when the morning comes, don’t disappear

- Don’t Go by EXO


Across Countries

It was a cloudy summer day when Yoonhee opened the windows of her hotel room.  It was her second day in Perugia, Italy and she cannot wait to start visiting the places around. She got busy settling herself in the hotel when she arrived yesterday that she only had the chance to roam around at night. She pulled the curtains over the windows and proceeded to the bathroom to start her day.

Wanderlust led Lee Yoonhee to Perugia. After graduating from college, she got a job, saved money for two years and set off on her journey to explore the world. It was her lifelong dream so her parents were pretty supportive about it. At twenty-five, she had already gone to seven of her must visited places around the globe in just four months. Perugia was her eighth destination and she had a feeling it would be much more memorable than the rest.

After prepping herself up, she grabbed her purse and her camera from the bedside table and got out of the hotel. It was still eight in the morning so she decided to have some coffee first from the café across the street.

Yoonhee ordered a cup of caramel macchiato and some cookies before taking the table at the farthest corner. While waiting, she opened her iPad to check the places she was going to visit that day. Perhaps, she was going to see the churches first and then the galleries. She got hyped up just thinking of all the attractions she could go to that day.

Her order came after a few minutes so she set her iPad aside and took a sip of her coffee. She was admiring the architecture of the buildings outside when she felt someone’s stare on her. Her eyes snapped to her left and saw a man just a few tables away, standing with a tray in his hands.

The man looked startled when she caught him and he quickly turned left to probably escape. He failed to notice that there was a chair on his way so he stumbled onto it and dropped the metal tray in his hands with a clang.

Yoonhee caught sight of the deep blush on his cheeks as he picked up the tray and scampered away towards the back part of the café. An amused smile crossed her face at the thought of the clumsy guy. He looked Korean like her and it piqued her interest since all she saw upon coming there were Italians or other European tourists.


Punto di Vista was Yoonhee’s last destination for the day. It was a famous open air bar in Perugia that was only open in the summer. On every trip she had, she always ended the day with a light drink. The locals have been very cordial to her though she struggled at some points since she only had basic knowledge with the Italian language.

She stared out admiringly at the city in front of her because like the name of the place says, the view was the main attraction of the bar.


Kim Junmyeon choked on his drink as he saw who just came to the bar that evening. He watched as the gorgeous girl who came by his café earlier in the morning ordered a cocktail drink from the counter before sitting down at the table that overlooked the medieval city. He couldn’t help but stare at her. The admiration and awe in her eyes as she gazed at the city was pulling him to her. It was a silly thought but he wanted her to look at him like that. Or perhaps, something much deeper than that.

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