Chapter 78: Brown-Haired Weakness

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 78: Brown-Haired Weakness

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

April, 1997

Darkness surrounded him, but cold didn't accompany it as it normally did. He glanced around, and his eyes found the only light they could find. He watched as the fire in the hearth consumed the wood, the familiar scene a momentary comfort in a situation of wickedness.

He tried not to let his mind focus on Hogwarts or the scene he had to leave. Those events had repeated in his head every day since he'd left. Granger breaking down in front of him last week had been a part of his thoughts almost every second he wasn't distracted. He'd wanted to contact her, but he hadn't been able.

When they were standing in that field, the dark mark had burned his arm, and he'd had to get away from her. Considering what he'd said as parting words, he knew she'd likely taken his leaving the wrong way. It also wouldn't help the situation if she went down to the dungeons to have a session and he wasn't there.

His knee ached as he knelt against the hard floor. He bowed his head when he saw black robes come into his line of sight. His thoughts faded and he focused on his current persona. The Dark Lord halted his steps in front of him and his muscles tensed in response, alerting him to focus his mind and cover it with impenetrable layers. The room seemed to drop a few degrees.

At this moment, he was not a professor or a friend.

Right now, he was a Death Eater at his lord's feet.

Deepening his frown, he forced all his thoughts of her from his brain. His only focus had to be the Dark Lord. He swallowed and concentrated on his skills until he was back in control.

"Look at me, Severus."

He looked up, his mask in place with his eyes showing a perfect devotion to the man staring at him.

"I assume that pathetic attempt to try to kill Dumbledore with a drink wasn't your idea." The threat in the Dark Lord's voice sent chills through him.

"No, my lord. The boy is still doing it all on his own. A ridiculous failure of trusting Slughorn to pass expensive liquor to Dumbledore. If I might add, my lord, it was a pity he didn't kill more with it." He added that with Weasley in mind so some true hatred could come through.

"Pity indeed," he said, his voice lightening as much as his voice could. "But do not forget our objective is the old wizard."

"I would never, my lord. He will die," he assured and bowed his head once more.

Once again, his words were easy to speak and sound truthful. Because it was true. If not by his own hands, the curse would take Dumbledore out.

"I have faith in you, Severus. I've always had." Though he was no longer loyal to the Dark Lord, the hissing voice full of confidence warmed him.

But he wouldn't turn back to him. Ever. The pull was still strong, it probably always would be, but not strong enough. Now he had more reason to stay on the side of light. Lily wasn't his only reason now.

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