Chapter 60: Polyjuice

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 60: Polyjuice

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

January, 1997

He hadn't intended to call her by her name, but the shock had been effective enough to get her attention. But there was no excuse for the second time. It somehow escaped his mouth before his brain could process the words he was speaking. He couldn't find it in him to regret it when she didn't stop smiling at him after recovering from their duel. She was even smiling when she left. Proof yet again that she was nothing like the one other person he'd thought was a true friend. Lily wouldn't have forgiven him. Merlin, she probably wouldn't have seen what he was trying to do.

He hadn't seen her at all the rest of the week other than in class. She was a student with a full workload, probably more than what the teachers assigned, and enjoyed it. He'd been the same way as a student.

But an odd uneasy feeling always came when he went certain lengths of time without speaking to her. He'd seen her in the Great Hall, not a trace of hostility on her face. Just a smile. She looked tired but nowhere near the levels she had before she finally used her magic in a duel. She looked at him fondly and treated him just as good, if not better than she did the other professors. She knew she got odd looks and whispered about for doing so. Called names for it. But she did it without shame.

That's why he'd give her another piece of his memories today and would continue the occlumency lessons. She was almost ready. He didn't want to rush it too much, but soon he would probably be dead. With every meeting, he knew the chance of the Dark Lord killing him grew. When he served his purpose to him. He would die. That was a given

He closed his eyes to let them rest. His nights had been sleepless, a common occurrence with a mind full of plans and worries and made worse by the fact he had to kill Dumbledore soon. He played possible scenarios in his mind every night.

He was thankful his back was to the door as he heard the rustle of robes coming into the classroom. It wouldn't due for them to see him in a somewhat weakened form. He turned and saw his three students walking to their respective seats and workstations.

He glared at the Slytherin when the boy practically threw his book on the table.

Time to focus on his work.

He waved his hand and the recipe started to appear on the blackboard. He crossed his arms. "Polyjuice potion. Extremely useful and extremely dangerous if not brewed correctly. Brew with the upmost caution."

The Slytherin student raised his hand. He gave permission to speak with a nod of his head.

"Sir, isn't this a seventh year level potion? I heard they don't even brew it anymore either."

"This is a high level class. All of you are capable of brewing this without mistakes."

He glanced at Granger. She tilted her head. She knew he was daring her and she was right. He was interested in seeing what she could do with a proper workplace rather than a filthy bathroom. She'd brewed it in her second year, but now he looked forward to the results since she was wiser now.

"You will have to inspect all the ingredients for the proper ones. I did not label them. It is important that you know how to identify them properly. There won't always be someone holding your hand when you brew."

He waved his wand and multiple ingredients appeared before them. He deliberately put incorrect items among the correct ones.

"You may begin," he said.

The students went up to the ingredients. With only slight hesitation, Granger gathered what she needed.

He watched the students go about brewing the potions.

Through the entire class, his eyes kept going back to her. She did everything with the utmost care. She checked each ingredient twice before adding it to the cauldron. It took a great deal of restraint to keep from laughing at the way her face crinkled at the scents.

Minutes formed into an hour, and her focus never wavered until class ended.

"Put a stasis charm on the potion. You'll continue with it next week," he said. The students did as told and went about their usual motions before leaving.

As always, she took her time so she could be the last to leave. She walked closer to the door, but then stopped and turned to look at him. "You know, if I weren't scared, I would've hexed you back for this and for the other day."

"Then I expect you to overcome those desires too, Miss Granger," he said, letting his mask drop so she could see his amusement.

"You calling me by my first name somewhat made up for it." She shrugged. "See you soon, Severus," she said, his name coming out in a whisper.

She turned and practically bounced out of the room.

"Impertinent witch," he muttered with affection before starting on the rest of his work.

AN: Crumbling over insecurities....? Granger a little pissed? Mmm...Let me know what you think and hope you enjoyed it. See you on Wednesday.

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