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My mind feels full. And I don't know what to do. Or how to deal with it. I'm still having racing thoughts and they only go away for a little while. But not long enough for me to be able to focus on anything. Not even the things I like. I feel the need to keep moving from place to place. I can't do this I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of my own thoughts. There is just so many it's killing me. I want to be able to focus this is just making me feel dumb and useless. I'm not used to feeling so distracted and unfocused. Not even the things I love doing can keep my focus because I want to keep going and moving on to something else. I need help because I can't do this. Even this my thoughts I want to move on from and do something else. Sleeping is the only thing I can do because my mind exhausts me. I can't do my work and I don't know how to focus without medication that works. No one ever properly taught me how to focus. I hate who this is making me to because I'm smart and have potential but it's wasting away because I can't focus. I need help I'm desperate to do anything so I can focus and keep going with my education. I might even fail this semester because of how bad it's become. I've talked to my doctor and we are trying to figure out what will work but the solution isn't evening figured out yet. And I can't keep going like this much longer. I don't know what to do. I just want to stay focused I was focus and I want the racing thoughts to stop. They hurt me. I'm coming apart slowly but surely. And I don't know what to do. I need to be saved before my thoughts consume me to the point of no return.

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