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Anyone who knows my work knows I've been on a long indefinite hiatus. This is going to be my gateway back into writing. Lately, I have been writing a lot of streams of consciousness and some have been giving me inspirations. So this is just a place for them because I really enjoy doing them. I probably won't edit them just read over to make sure I wrote the correct words. I hope this helps me get back into writing because I want to start with something I really enjoy. I say that because my most popular story was started in high school and I've grown since then. So that book will be the last book written to my specific demographic cause that's who I was writing for but now I know I want to write for myself. 

Also just some context about: 

I am 21 years old 

I live in America (East Coast)

My first language is Spanish

I'm in college (uni) studying to be a teacher.

I do have some mental illnesses which I'm cool about. I say it because some of them touch on those things. 

Maybe I'll add to this who knows.

I will also give context to chapters that I think need it. And the titles will just be like the general theme so you can decide if you want to read them or not.


Bye :3

Just My ThoughtsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang