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It was early Monday morning when Zayn woke up but felt completely awful, he felt like crap.. literally.. he turned in his bed, he was sweaty, his throat hurt and his lungs felt like fire as he couldn't stop coughing..

His head was pounding as well, he kept his eyes closed as it seemed to help, but only a tiny bit.

He heard his door open and then footsteps coming in his room then he hears his daddy's voice," Zee bub time to get up."

"No." Zayn mumbled as he stuffed his head into the pillow.

Louis says getting closer to him as he didn't hear zayn Cleary due to the mumbling," what was that zayn?"

Zayn turned as he lightly groans due to his body being aching all over," no daddy i don't feel good."

Worry  flashed across Louis's face and he sits on the edge of the bed and touched Zayn and was in shocked as he felt him all sweaty on the forehead.

"Oh baby... come on, let's get you cleaned up and maybe felling better." Louis says lifting the covers off of Zayn who shivered at the sudden coldness.

Louis leaned over and lifted the small boy onto his hip and then went to the bathroom, stripped Zayn out of his sweaty clothes and into the tub.

Louis got him all washed up and then into the master bedroom and put one of Liam's shirts over Zayn as it swoled him hole nearly, Louis would rather zayn be comfortable than not.

Zayn was completely miserable,he couldn't stop coughing and wheezing..  he stuffed his head into his daddy's neck as he carried him downstairs and he could hear the rest of the family rushing around getting ready for the day.

Louis walked into the kitchen where he noticed Liam was getting himself and the boys set for the morning. Liam looked up as they walked in and headed over as soon as sees a sleepy and weak Zayn on Louis's hip," hey what's  wrong?"

" it seems like our monkey here is sick. I guess i will be staying home today" Louis says pushing Zayn's  hair out of his face.

"Papa?" Zayn croaks out.

" what's up little man?" Liam says going over to him and put his hand on his forehead, Zayn sighed a bit at liam's colder hand came in contact with his boiling forehead.

" do we need to cancel the movie?" Zayn says with hope that it wasn't going to be a no.

" it seems so bub, we can go see it next week  ok when your feeling better ok?" Liam says kissing his head.

Zayn nodded seemingly to accept that answer.

"Ok make sure he has lots of fuilds, sleep, if anything goes worst call me lou ok? I am not sure about the wheezing and sore throat"  Liam says with a worry smile.

Louis rolled his eyes," yes Dr. Liam, it's not the first time i took care of sick kids."

He looked at his two other boys behind Liam," have a good day."

They came over and kissed zayn and louis before  walking out of the house.

The door closed and louis looked at Zayn," let's  go do some snuggling."

Zayn just groaned..

They shouldn't have pushed the wheezing and coughing off to the side.. because after a few hours it seems to get worse...

Louis thought that Zayn just needed a lot of sleep..

But he was wrong..

Zayn woke up to the sound of nothing.. it was weird.. he usually heard something on in the house.

He opened his eyes and turned onto his back and looked around, it was still light out, must only been a few hours after, he still felt so bad.. maybe even worst..

His lungs hurt like hell.. he sat up and started to talk or so he thought.. but heard nothing.. absolutely nothing.. it was freaking  him out, maybe his dad put ear plugs in his ears so he could  sleep without being woken up.

He put his hands up to his ears and put his fingers lightly in them put felt nothing.. no ear plugs..

So he tries talking again.. hears nothing.. he starts to panic... he thinks he was yelling  but couldn't  tell...

Louis hears his son calling him with such a loud yell he jumped from his desk before  heading  upstairs  and went to his bedroom where Zayn was sleeping.

He opened the door and zayn was still steaming..

" zayn! Woah it's  ok!! You don't  need to yell.."

But zayn with worried eyes still kept going like he didn't  hear him..

Louis goes over and lightly  grabs Zayn's  arms who looked at him but then stops yelling but was in full on tears.

" your ok zayn, you ok." Louis says in a soft voice.

Zayn was looking at him with complete confusion and worry.

" what's  wrong zayn? Can you not hear me?"  Louis talks once again.

Zayn didn't  respond  for a while but was still crying as just out of no where he says a little  louder than normal," daddy i can't  hear anything!"

Louis gets up and lifted Zayn into his arms who freaked  out at first  at the sudden  movement but then louis rushed out the door and into the car.

He raced downtown to the hospital  and looks in the rierview mirror at a freak out zayn once in a while who looked even worse and was wheezing like crazy...

He goes into the emergency and they quickly  get Zayn in and louis was even more freaked out because  he was so worried for his son..

But Zayn was worst he didn't understand what was going on, he couldn't hear.. no one was talking  to him at least he thought.. so many people..

Liam rushed down to the emergency  and sees his son and Louis," baby what happened? Is he worst?"

" i don't  know what's  going on  li? Please just go help.." louis says as he cried.

Liam kissed Louis and rushed over to his freaked out son who saw him clung onto him.

A few hours later, Zayn was in a room asleep after a long fight and a few senitives.. he was finally calm, leaving  his body really heal, a mask on his face to help him breath.

Louis and Liam were outside  the room talking to one of Liam's  colleagues who had Zayn as his case, as seeing doctors can't take care of their own family members.

"This is going to be hard to hear.. but Zayn has pneumonia it had gotten  so bad the it spreads up into his ears it really hit his body..  it is like how a ear infection might start with a throat infection that travels  to the ear.."

"So what are you trying to say?"  Louis says looking between a sad teary eyed liam and the doctor.

" I am sorry to say that Zayn is now Deaf.."


Hey guys!!!

So yeah this happened ??

So yeah.. more problems and drama in tow for the family to adjust to this..

Especially Zayn...

But i wanted this to be unique i guess..

the hardship of having a disability will be a long road for the family.. lots of ups and downs are on their way..

But disability you never stop you from doing anything...

Leaned for a personal experience with CP.. so i wanted to shed some light to things.. make it special and awareness.

Thanks for reading


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