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Zayn was just not used to being in a public school, all the years he went to a private school where everything was strict and to do work and sports were top priority.. no one made fun of no one because they were all in the same boat and the school had a very, very strict policy of no bullying or horsing around.

It was all new to Zayn and he knew he couldn't handle it and he wished his uncle  would see that, Uncle Liam understood and wanted him to be as comfortable as possible.

But later in the night Liam had came to see Zayn and told him why Louis was acting that way.. there was no one to stay home with him to do homeschool and if they got a tutor, it would cost a lot and they didn't think they had the money at the time..

That's why his uncle Louis didn't budge, but to a little 8 year old it still didn't make sense.. all he wanted was his old routine, the one he is most comfortable with..

Zayn woke up the next morning dreading it from the beginning, he just wanted to stay there or go somewhere to a school that had the same program, or well go back to his old school all together, even though that would be likely not possible.

Zayn put on some sweatpants and a hoddie a d slumped downstairs and walked around and saw everyone at the table smiling like idiots.

Zayn raised his eyebrows not understanding why they were like that..

Zayn walked over to his seat and noticed something big in a bag on the table.

Zayn sat in his chair and looked at his uncles and cousins and then looked back at the bag.

" go on Zayn, open it." His uncle Liam said with a huge smile.

Zayn easily opened the bag and pulled out a pair of beats and a macbook air.. he was confused why did he get this? He thought his uncle said they were tight on money, why would they give him these so expensive stuff.

" what? Why?" Zayn says really confused.

Uncle Louis got up and grabbed another bag and gave it to Zayn, Zayn looks and pulled out a book, math grade 3.. there were all the subjects in the bag..

" your uncle and i really talk about it last night, we pulled some strings.. with a few friends and they said  you should have the best of the best.. we got a good deal.."  Uncle Louis said trying to keep his huge smile from breaking so he bit his lip a bit," soo.. your getting home schooled.."

"also doing a lot more sports.. kinda like your old school i guess." Uncle Liam say standing by uncle Louis

Zayn jumped out of his seat and tackles his uncles nearly getting them  to fall onto the floor," THANK YOU THANK YOU UNCLE LOUIS!! AND UNCLE LIAM.!"

Zayn was so excited and he hugged everyone, Niall and Harry were happy too they never seen their cousin so happy since he arrived.

Zayn was smiling ear to ear, he was so excited to do school now.

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