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After a good day of practice Zayn was sitting on the curb waiting for Louis to pick him up. Zayn guessed that Louis was a little late picking him up...

Zayn was sitting and started to trace his fingers on the sidewalk and watched as other people picked up kids from the gym.

It was getting a bit dark and Louis was still not there.

" zayn, what are you still doing here?" He hears from behind and sees Coach Finstock.

"Wait for Oncle Louis." Zayn says trying to make a full sentence.

" oh he must be running late, you ok?"

" oui."

Coach smiled and waved him bye. Zayn hope Louis was going to get their soon it was getting cold.

He waited for like another 10 minutes and Louis didn't show up..

Zayn had tears in his eyes, his uncle abandoned him, he knew it was too good to be true.

Zayn pushed himself up off the sidewalk and just started to walk, he didn't know what he was going to do but he was just going somewhere other then sitting in front of the gym.

He walked down the street keeping his head low and rubbing his arms to hope to warm himself a bit.

He was to the mall when he hears screeching of car wheels breaking. He just ignores it and then he feels a arm and turned him around to meet a angry looking Louis.

" Zayn,quoi le enfer es-tu faire ?? vous sont censé attendre me!" Louis says in rage (t- what the hell are you doing?? you are supposed to wait for me!)

"attendre vous ?! vous oublié sur me !!!" Zayn says just blows back at Louis.( t-wait for you?! You forgot about me!!!)

"entrer le voiture maintenant, il doesn't affaire ce je a été tard, je suis désolé, votre encore censé attendre me, je sera expliquer plus tard. " Louis says pointing to the car. (T-get in the car now, it doesn't matter that i was late, i'm sorry, your still supposed to wait for me, i will explain later.)

Zayn just huffed and jumped into the car and buckled in and Louis got in and drove home.

Zayn jumped out and headed up to his room ignoring his other uncles and cousins and went to his room and slammed the door.

He couldn't understand why his uncle would just forget him!

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