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As the weeks go on Zayn was finally getting the hang of being deaf it still complicated and tough. But the silence is getting a bit better to handle.

They actually think he might get some of his hearing back. They think it wasn't as severe as thry orginal though the pneumonia has been. They think he might have just have a severe ear infection that was causing the damage.

At the time. They didn't have the hearing specialist in the hospital. And after they saw him. He has a 35  % chance of some hearing or full hearing.

A low chance but a chance all the same..

Zayn woke up on a bright sunny morning and he opened his eyes and sighed, another day of school. He loved not doing it for a while. But it was time he got back in so he wouldn't fall behind.

He rubbed his eyes. He pushed his sheets and he heard ruffling of his sheets.

He froze. What the hell? He moved his feet and the rubbing again the sherts. He heard it.

"OH MY GOD!" He yells. Not a second later louis and liam burst into the room.

To a sobbing zayn.

"Zayn bub! What's  wrong?" Louis signs.

"Uncle lou i can hear!"

Louis looked shocked and liam looked like he was about to faint?

Liam walks over and starts to snap his fingers and he watches as Zayn moved his head to the sound.

"Oh ny god." Liam says getting to Zayn and holding him in his arms," the doctor was right, you git your hearing back."

Zayn sniffled and smiled," i missed your voices."

Louis came over wiping his tears then Zayn's from his cheeks," we are so happy that you can."

"Can i go tell harry and niall?" 

Liam put him down," of course Z."

He runs out of the room with a smile on his face that has been absent for the last few months.

Liam hugged Louis who were both in tears.

Louis looked at Liam," he is our little Miracle."


Hey guys!!

I hope you like this! A miracle.  Where is this book heading you might think? Well you will have to wait and see, i can't share all my secrets

I got some exciting  news!!

You are looking at one of the newest members of the Wattpad Ambassadors!!

I am an official member now with the heart and everything on my profile!

Excited for this new journey!! And i am glad i am doing it with you guys and so excited to finally being able to tell you.. i couldn't wait.

With being an ambassador, i will be on wattpad even more so i will be updating hopefully more.

(Corona virus hasn't closed my job yet, so i am still working,so i still have that as well XD ) 

I hope everyone is staying safe and be careful 😄🤩

I love you guys!!!


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