[Chapter sixteen]

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[Chapter sixteen]

“Duck!” I screamed. The twenty of us ducked behind the quidditch sheds, instantly alert as we tried to clear our heads of the sudden adrenalin rush and terror. The Slytherins practically had us surrounded.

“Shit!” Leona hissed venomously as a balloon filled with bright purple dust that if popped would cause seriously bad itching, flew past her.

We where just coming back from watching the Quidditch team practising when I spotted Malfoy a few yards away hiding with his cronies behind the bleachers. I couldn't miss that smug face for anything. I reached into my pocket for my wand, a few others copied me.

“There's a gap, if we just distract them we could run for cover” Oliver mumbled as he peeked over the war, his hair slick with sweat from the intense practise. I noticed Dean Thomas looking excited as ever, this boy hung around with the Weasley twins to much. And I'm pretty sure he was the reason most of the Slytherins had developed nervous twitches.

“Would you care for one of my distractions?” he asked, licked his lips and grinned over at me.

“What do you have in mind?” Oliver asked, eye brow raised handsomely.

“Oh does it matter!? I don't really want to have a constant itch on my as-” Kris yelled.

“OK OK” We all huddles in a circle while Dean kept watched and listened to Oliver who expertly told us what to do, he was really good at this kind of stuff...well yeah he was Quidditch captain so he had experience when getting out of tight spots.

Another balloon flew past us, this time skimming my hair and splashing at Kris's feet.

“Oh shit there goes my shoes!”

“Right Dean this best be good!” Oliver grumbled as we took our places.

Dean grinned, flashed his wand over his head and wiggled his fingers. “I got this down, ready?”

“Yeah” we chorused, slightly befuddled to the strange boy in front of us

“One...” Oliver started.

“Two..”Kris added, I gulped nervously and felt a prickling sensation fall over me. I wasn't good and running, or anything that involved exercise. I didn't need to be.

“Three!” Leona called. In a typical slow motion Dean jumped from behind the sheds, his hands waving madly in the air, his eye's suddenly wide, his face comical.

“Come and get me!” he called, a high pitch giggle escaped his throat “ Ouch baby! That all you got? Hehe!” He was walking right into there firing line, the balloons pounding off his body and splashing in wild colours on the grass.

The boy was totally off his rocker but purely amazing. I hadn't laughed so hard as we ran up to the castle.

“I...uh” Leona breathed, her red hair wild around her face as she gripped at her chest “Am so unfit”

“Yeah-m-e too” I stammered, my chest hurting just as much as hers.

Oliver however was stood proudly, his grin only annoying me as I listened to his quiet breathing. Bloody show-

Don't even dare Grace.

I blushed when I realised what my train of thought was tunnelling too, how could I even agree with that slime ball? It must be the lack of air to my lungs or something....yeah that was it. I was just being stupid. I felt Oliver's hand slip into mine once again and I calmed.

As we walked back to the common room everyone was talking animately about our recent escape from the Slytherins, it annoyed me how they thought it was 'cool' to be placed in situations that could get out of control, situations where an accidental hex could cost someone there life. This was must end.

“Oliver” I whispered, trying not to grab unwanted attention.

“Yeah?” He seemed lost in thought, the best time to ask!

“I dont want to carry on”

“What!? Grace what are you talking about?, is it us because if it is I'll cut down on quidditch just give me until this match-”

“Oliver no!” I hissed darkly “It's not about us or Quidditch it's about this war, I cant do it any more its getting out of control”

I didn't like the look of disapproval and disappointment on his face, it made me angry, so angry in fact he instantly got my back up. How could he look at me in such a way? It honestly hurt. I had never been hurt like that. I needed him to understand my reasons and how scared I was but I knew just then from the look in his eye's he thought I was a quitter.

“I think it's past ending just like that now” he tried to 'soothe'

I let go of his hand “No I don't think so, I'm the one who called this was and this easily means I can go and recall it.”

“Grace what's going on?” Kris asked, stepping towards us suddenly making a circle. Leona dutifully stepped towards us too.

“I don't want to do this anymore” I whispered on the verge of tears.

I thought I would post this little chapter so that I wouldn't feel so bad, I have now realised that it's on a pretty mean cliffhanger! Lmao, I do apologize.

Love, puppies and cookies!


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