Chapter 5

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(Cheryl's POV)

I've already finished me Curlywurly, when I hear a loud smash coming from the kitchen. Leaping from me seat, I instantly run to Kimberley's aid, praying that she hadn't hurt herself, I stop dead in me tracks when I hear her bellow.

"Fuck me! You're Cheryl Cole!"

Crap. Shit. Bollocks. Damn.

"I, well you see..." Well you see I have absolutely no idea what to say at this moment, so I do it again, I don't look her in the eye, I turn and pratically hurl meself at her door.

"You already know you don't want to do that Cheryl."

Damn her level-headedness, it pisses us off, but she's right, she's always right. However I do the stupid thing, and dig meself a deep hole.

"Huh? Where the fuck did you get that idea Kimba? What has -"

"Cheryl," I can't help but look at her when she uses me name.

"Cheryl, look, you're really not fooling me babe."

I'm not, I know I'm not, but I also know I'm not prepared for another person to start acting weird around us, treating us as if I'm not a normal human being.

"I know, I'm sorry. I don't think you're stupid babe." I want to trust her, so I tell her what's on me mind.

"I just, well you see, how it is is that, umm -"

"You don't need to explain, have your brew, we'll talk after yeah?"

"Aye." You plonker, you want to trust her, just tell her.

"It's just Cheryl by the way, no last name." She just nods a little in response.

"Kimba? Maybe we could talk now? I mean, if you don't want to, I realise it's a wee bit of a shock, if..."

I trail off when I look up to see her face, she has a little grin on her face as she laughs.

"God, you're adorable, anyone would think I'm the mega-famous pop star."

I clam up as she says this, noticing, she squeezes me hand in hers and walks us over to the sofa. Sitting opposite me, she gives us a look that makes us go weak, an inpenetrable stare. She reaches out and touches me cheek, running her thumb gently across the cut.

"It was a shock, Cheryl, I suppose you looked familiar, but it was still a shock. It doesn't change anything though, I'm not going to go all weird around you now, I know that's partly what you are worried about, I'm not totally daft you know."

I giggle, not a patronizing giggle, a real one,

"You're still human, you've still been hurt," she leans in and kisses the bruise just below me eye, "and I still want to know who did this to you."

I try my hardest to conceal me pain, but a single tear lets free, she wipes it away and looks straight at us again.

"I want to tell you, believe me I do," I break eye contact again.

"It's silly, but how - how do I know that as soon as I open up it's gonna be in the paper tomorrow? I just know it is..."

I've hurt her, I know I have, but she responds straight away.

"Has it so far? Have I given you a reason not to trust me?"

"I don't need a reason, Kimba, you have to earn trust." Her face softens.

"I understand babe, trust can be misplaced..." She stops talking, clearly turning attention to her own little world.

"I think my boyfriend's cheating."

There it is, as blunt as it can be, why would she tell me that? She continues.

"Probably where he is right now, with some slag. I once caught him with some blonde you know? We worked through it, but he's at it again. I was actually going for a drive to clear my head when I first met you, strange how we both need help and neither of us will take it hey?"

"What's your boyfriend's name?"

"Justin. Used to be in a boy band, should of been the first warning sign right."

It all comes out, how they first met, the first time he cheated, and how she's been trying to catch him ever since.

"Nine years, nine bloody years of my life Cheryl. He's meant to be here right now, but he's at a, ahem, 'work expedition'. Pathetic."

"Kimba, don't. I know what you are doing, I've been there, trying to distance yaself never works, you need to face the issue babe."

"So why don't you?"


"Face the issue?" The girl has a point.

"Please, Chez, I've just told you everything on my mind, I think you should to."

She brushes the hair away from me face, inspecting me bruises.

"Babe, please, I need to know who did this to you." Do it now, Chez.


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