Pizza, Dalton, and lovers. Part 4.

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'Kurt was actually making the effort to spend time with /me/?' Blaine smiled to himself. He knew it wasn't a date, but he still wanted to look his best.

He pulled on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a tight red t-shirt and to finish the whole dapper look off: A pair of quirky pink sunglasses.

"You look... Amazing." Kurt breathed.

Blaine turned a deep shade of red and thanked the other boy.

They both headed out of the door, heading for a shopping war.


After a whole six hours of non-stop shopping, the two boys headed back to Dalton Academy, singing along to the radio.

As they walked back into the practically empty Dalton builing, with a dozen shopping bags in their hands, they painfully climbed the stairs.

When they finally reached their room they dropped their bags and fell into Blaine's bed, giggling and tickling eachother senseless.

"Don't even start, Anderson. I am a sensitive human!" Kurt scoffed.

Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt. "We make /quite/ the shopping team, eh?"

"Blaine, why on Earth would you need ten bow-ties, three tubs of hair gel and five different Disney dvd's?" Kurt asked, bewildered.

"One can neeeeever have enough bow-ties." Blaine joked in a posh English accent. "I go through a tub of hair gel per week AND who doesn't love Disney films?" Blaine questioned, suddenly back to his sweet American self.

Kurt shook his head in playful disgrace and dragged himself off the other boys bed.

"So, what's next Hummy-Hummel?"

Kurt cringed at Blaine. "Well, we wouldn't let those Disney films go to waste, would we?"

Blaine squeeled and jumped off the bed. "Okay, okay. It's four o'clock now, so we have time for about, hmm, three?"

Kurt moaned at first, but lightened up when Blaine let him choose which film they could watch first.

Kurt decided on watching 'Finding Nemo' first. Blaine decided they'd then watch Tangled and Up afterward.

Blaine ran gleefully to the dvd player and played the animated film. They both resorted to Kurt's bed (The bed closest to the tv) only slightly huddled together, afterall, it was a small single bed.

At that moment... Blaine felt his life was perfect. As much as he loved the film that was playing, he just couldn't stop staring at Kurt, desperately wanting to hold onto his waist and allow them to melt together. He sighed in content and relaxed himself into the bed.


Blaine and Kurt were such Disney nerds. Kurt joined in with Blaine as he quoted most of the animated movie, much to Blaine's suprise.

Kurt felt so much more comfortable around Blaine, like he could finally just be himself... without worry, without fear. Or maybe that was just Dalton's illusion of security.

Blaine hand obviously had a /crush/ on Kurt in the past, but that was over half a year ago and Kurt decided not to ever mention it to Blaine and just tried to forget it all.

After the credits rolled across the screen, Blaine reached for his mobile and started typing.

"Am I keeping you from someone? Girlfriend?" Kurt asked.

He never /actually/ knew Blaine's sexuality. For all he knew Blaine's crush on Kurt could have just been a confusing time for Blaine, possibly a phase.

"Of course not, Kurt. I'm gay. Can you not tell?" Blaine pointed violently at his collection of Disney dvd's.

"Then... what're you doing? If you don't mind me asking." Kurt replied.

"None of your sweet business, hummy. Now play Tangled, I love that movie!" Blaine gushed.

Kurt stood from the bed and played the disc.

They both crammed back onto the single bed, slipping their legs under the light red duvet. Blaine and Kurt smiled at eachother and averted their eyes to the screen.

The two boys were in fits of laughter at the horse and Flynn Ryder's love-hate relationship on Tangled. Then half way throught the movie Blaine rushed to his feet and towards the door.

"Problem?" Kurt questioned nervously.

"Absolutely not, be right back." He winked confidently and rushed out of the room.

Before Kurt realised, Blaine was already back in the boys dorm - holding two flat, square, cardboard boxes.

Kurt squeeked. "Pizza!" His eyes glistened. "I love you!" Kurt blurted out in a fit of pizza passion.

Blaine froze, his eyes growing a tad wider. After a few seconds Blaine relaxed and moved over to Kurt, handing him the two boxes and planting a soft kiss on Kurt's forehead. "You better, Kurt. Thust you to work at the most expensive pizza service." Blaine huffed. "I got ham and pinapple, and just plain cheese and tomato, good?"

Kurt stuffed his mouth with a slice of the plain pizza. "Well, as cute as it is that you ordered from my past employer, I'm sure any pizza would have been just fine. Mmmmm."

Blaine laughed at Kurt's obsessive love of pizza. "I never quite understood /why/ they put pinapple on pizza, then combine it with ham? I mean... What's the reasoning? Nevertheless it's freaking delightful." He filled his face with the delightful pizza. "In all seriousness, Kurt. Today has been lovely, thank you."

Kurt curled up into a ball and smiled shyly "I try my best."

As their third, and final Disney movie played, Kurt and Blaine couldn't keep their eyes open, they both drifted off into a blissful sleep around the same time, both boys unconsciously cuddled into eachother.

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