Character Analysis: Felipe

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Unfortunately, Felipe is not a real character

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Unfortunately, Felipe is not a real character. However his personality and name is based off of a real person.

This is his inspiration photo, which is Ocelot from Metal Gear Solid.

Felipe has a rather tragic story, however he still stays strong. He is warm hearted and very optimistic in bad situations.

His weapons of choice are a snub nosed .44 magnum and a normal .44 magnum. He uses them as his father died using one of them.

Felipe made his first appearence in "The Pursuit Of Happiness." Where he first met Spencer in universe C, however in universe A, Spencer and Felipe were already friends.

Felipe has never died, but has been close.

Felipe enjoys scotch along with Spencer, so that's what made them meet in the first place.

Felipe has a high tolerance, however he has a weakness when it comes to children. He blames himself when children die, and he will never shoot a child.

This is all related to his troubled past.

Here's information about him.


Name: Sanchez, Felipe (Agent Shooter)

Height: 5'6

Weight: 154 Lbs.

Sex: Male

Age: 18 (He's 20 at the end of my last story)

Eye Color: Brown

Affiliation: New World Genesis

Status: Alive, normal

Fun Fact: Felipe takes first place as most likeable side character, followed by Cosgrove and then Drew.

You're pretty good, my friend!

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