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jeongin was still in terrible pain when he went to school the next day. 'best birthday ever!' his dad had sarcastically remarked before leaving for work.

he thought back to yesterday when him and chan and jisung had a lot of fun together. just the memory of the event makes him smile, he is glad that he has friends that are there for him.

suddenly, he really felt the need to cuddle and kiss chan. jeongin didn't want a repeat of the bathroom situation, though, so he decided to keep his distance from chan from now on.

jeongin brushed it off and decided that he would have to deal with the small plush bunny that he kept in his backpack at all times. the boy grabbed the bunny from his bag and shoved it into his over-sized hoodie pocket, he wasn't risking it. the last time someone saw him with it, they didn't stop teasing him for a week. even still, sometimes, he gets a small comment.

jeongin entered his classroom and sat in the back corner again, making sure he could see everyone. he sighed when he saw one of the boys in his class giggling at him with a girl that he didn't recognize, probably trying to 'impress' her with his 'knowledge about jeongin,' also known as making up random shit about him and her believing it.

they did that most of the class, actually, causing jeongin's bunny to get squeezed to death in his pocket. he really wanted to go home and wear thigh-highs and cry for no reason right now. of course he couldn't, though.

his next two classes were uneventful, besides the fact that he was really fidgety and his deskmates kept glaring at him during them. he hustled to lunch, not even bothering to run to jisung's locker and walk with him. he knew that the older would meet him there, anyways.

jeongin hurriedly grabbed his lunchbox, which was covered in cats, and speed-walked into the cafeteria to claim his normal seat.  while he sat his eye flickered around the room, waiting for jisung and chan. he brought his knees to his chest while he ate his chocolate chip cookie.

the girls from before had been looking at him, and some of the stereotypical popular jocks were sitting with the girls and had joined in. great.

his uneasiness settled down when he saw jisung at the other side of the cafeteria, the red-head bolting across the room and sitting next to jeongin.

the younger tried not to show his disappointment, but jisung was actually sitting across from him so he would cuddle with chan. unlike most people or friends who would get jealous or annoyed, the squirrel boy really found it cute.

to his disappointment, though, when chan sat down next to jeongin the younger just scooted away. something was wrong, and both jisung and chan could tell. jisung was surprised that jeongin didn't lean into chan, especially because he himself was not right next to the younger to cuddle him, so normally jeongin would snuggle with whoever.

he didn't, though, and that was concerning. the worry was evident on chan's face as he grabbed jeongin's wrist and dragged him out of the cafeteria, leaving jisung alone.

"'innie" chan quietly said, the younger  not looking up from the tile floor of the restroom.

"jeongin." the older repeated but in a sterner voice, the younger glancing up and mumbling something in response before returning to staring at the ground. he couldn't meet chan's eyes.

"what's wrong? you're obviously upset about something." he questioned, but when the younger wouldn't even look at him he started to get suspicious.

"it's me, right? what happened? did i do something, or-" chan stopped when he saw jeongin wiping at his face as small tears rolled down his cheeks. the younger shook his head furiously.

"then what is it?" he asked, lightly placing his hand on jeongin's shoulder.

"d-do you.. do you p-promise you won't g-get mad at me?" jeongin stuttered, hiccuping from the tears. when chan shook his head he decided to come clean, it was going to be said sometime anyway.

"some g-girls from your class brought me to the b-bathroom one day, and," he sniffed in an attempt to compose himself, "they, they said to stay away from you. because you hate fags like me. and then o-one of them," jeongin started sobbing again, barely able to compose himself. "she stabbed my tummy with her heel, and it hurt really bad, a-and i don't want that again. i-i'm sorry, hyungie."

tears started dropping to the floor as jeongin's head hung low, his bangs shading his red eyes.

"'innie," chan started, lifting the younger's chin up, "i like you for you, okay? don't believe what those girls said." jeongin only weakly nodded in response, causing chan to lean in and give the younger a quick peck on the lips. when the older pulled back a little too fast for jeongin, he pouted.

chan smiled and leaned in for a real kiss with jeongin. their lips connected and sparks almost flew. chan had to disconnect their lips, though, because he couldn't control himself.

"can you point out the girls in the cafeteria for me, baby?" jeongin blushed at the pet-name and shyly nodded, chan just chuckling and petting his head.

chan remembered that he needed to buy a present for jeongin. he had to remind himself not to hurt the girls who hurt his 'innie, too.

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