Hamilton X YN ~Fluff

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THIS IMAGINE WASN'T MADE BY ME, I GOT IT OFF TUMBLR: https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/hamilton-imagine


Summary: Being in a relationship with Alexander is not easy, especially when he's working too much.

Pairing: Alexander Hamilton x reader

Time period: modern

Wort count: 1,447

Warnings: angst I guess

A/N: I'm back. I'm really sorry it took me so long, but I underestimated the amount of work I have to put into university. I have important exams soon so I have a lot of work to do, but I'll try to get out one fic a week. I hope you like this one, please tell me if you notice mistakes and leave feedback if you can. Enjoy!

You flinched when you woke up from the dream you just had. With a groan you looked to the clock on your nightstand. It was 2 in the morning. You turned around just to find the other side of the bed empty and cold. Alexander was working late. Again. You felt like you hadn't really seen him in weeks. He was so busy working and writing you hardly spend time together. He always woke up before you and had already left the house, only leaving a little note for you. In the evenings, he was sitting in his office, writing. You usually went to bed alone. Just like you did a few hours ago. You had hoped he would come with you, but he just said he had to finish something and it couldn't wait.

And now you lied here, alone again and you felt horrible. You missed him, you missed his laugh, missed his scent and the feeling of his arms holding you. You swallowed the tears that were coming up and closed your eyes, trying to fall asleep again.

When you woke up the next morning he had already left the house and you found one of his little notes on the kitchen table. You couldn't help the anger and desperation that rose in you, as you took the piece of paper and scrunched it up, throwing it through the kitchen.

You came home a little later then usually today. When you entered the apartment you shared with Alexander you noticed that he was already home, his shoes in the hallway and his jacket thrown over the sofa. You looked around. Of course he would be in his office. The door wasn't shut completely and you could hear him typing on his Laptop. You swallowed and knocked on the door. No answer. Carefully you opened the door only to find your boyfriend completely focused on the screen in front of him. He didn't even noticed you.

„Hey Alex.", you said stepping closer to him.

„Hey Y/N.", he answered but he barely looked at you, focusing on his work again.

„I'm gonna make some food. You should eat.", you said looking around the room. It was full of papers, opened books and notes with ideas everywhere. You wondered how he was able to find anything in this mess.

„It's fine Y/N. I will eat later, I have to finish this.", he sighed. You nodded, your chest heavy. You didn't know if you could keep living like this any longer. You moved to leave the room but stopped in the doorway and turned around again.

„Are you going to go to bed at a decent hour today?", you asked, looking at him hopefully.

„As I said I really need to finish this, I don't know." He didn't even look up.

„Okay.", you said quietly and closed the door behind you.

After dinner you spent two hours watching TV, hoping Alexander would come out of his office and spend some time with you. But he didn't. It was almost midnight when you decided it was time for bed. You turned off the lights and the TV, but then you noticed the small crumbled piece of paper in the corner. Alex' note that you had thrown away this morning. You picked it up and went to the bedroom. You laid down and unfolded it.

Hamilton Imagines~ @-HamiltonTrashWhere stories live. Discover now