Peggy x Lafayette -Fluff-

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As you can see in my bio I love this Hamilton Ship, and I really wanted to do it rn. There will be like 7 stories without Laf being the lead he's getting too much attention 😅
P.S - The beginning started off with a book I read before called "And Peggy"

WARNING - Sexual Assult.


Time Period - 21st Century High school

I had always been and Peggy, I've never been on of the Schuyler Sisters. Angelica had all the guys, even though she really had her eye on Alex. I hate to admit it but she's oblivious of everyone. Except Eliza. Eliza is sweet. But she's too forgiving. Alex cheated on her with Maria R. And they got back together in a week. Eliza knows Angelica likes Alex but she knows she the sacrifice she went though. And then there is me. The one no guy or even girl notices, I was always on the sidelines. That was until Lafayette.
Me and my sisters, Eliza and Angelica, went to first period. Our father was Philip Schuyler so he could make all our classes the same in a snap and that's what he did. We walked in and students were throwing paper balls. Spit balls, and other disgusting things at "Prey." Sadly, High school wasn't like Middle School. Introduce yourself to the class tell us about yourself.. No. High school was a place where you for it or you'll be living in a world of Hell. The class smelled of Febreeze and air freshener from the teacher waiting for the bell to ring. She always sat there in the corner not giving a crap what we do until it rang.
The teacher announced there'd be a new student. His name was Lafayette. As he walked into the class my heart went boom. Suddenly my heart was pounding quicker than usual. Wow. This guy is sexy as hell, and everyone knew it. He said "Hey" and skimmed around the classroom when I noticed he was French. 'He was an angel sent from Heaven' I thought, 'What is a boy like that doing here?' I saw searched the room he looked at my sisters and barely noticed me... I was snapped back to reality when I recognized who I was. Just Peggy. I couldn't be anything more anyone less. Everyone would be above me, my sisters, my friends, even my peers.
The entire class was just a session of realization and misery. We had free time since Lafayette was here and we had a long day tomorrow. My eyes began to get watery as I took this opportunity to sink into a hole of depression, when I saw a figure approach me. One with a... accent? Could it be him? Why did he want to talk to me? "Hey, I saw you from across the room and I know this seems sudden but do you wanna get coffee sometime?" I could feel the glares the other girls gave me but I didn't care. "I'm looking for some people to hang out with." He said. "I don't do this much but guess I could use a coffee. How about.. after school?" His smile widened as he said "How about. now?" I felt as if I needed to catch my breath. "The teacher said we need to stay in class, let alone go downtown-", "Vous avez déjà entendu parler de la vie trop courte?" (Ever heard of life is too short?) he took my hand and we snuck out of class.

We started to do it for a week and it was our thing.. until one day.

I walked outside of school and there were different people there. Guys smoking and doing drugs. They were waiting for me and I knew exactly what was gonna happen. "Please... I don't mean any trouble-" I was cut-off by one of them grabbing my wrist, he chuckled. "Of course you don't, hang tight guys. I want you to see me earn my reward." He licked his lips as I quivered in fear. I felt a cold hand slowly creep up my bright yellow skirt. A tear streamed from my face. "Peggy. A pretty name for a pretty-" He was cut-off by Lafayette charging at him. I fell to the ground but quickly got up, and backed away. Till I saw him; His face... Sadness, but mostly Anger. He threw him to the ground. The others ran away earlier. He slammed his head into the wall when he fell. He stomped on his chest and yelled, "STAY AWAY FROM HER don't you ever touch her again." He said as he kicked him to the curb. Peggy, je m'inquiète de toi. C'est plus qu'un ami s'occupe - ce que j'essaie de dire, c'est que je veux être avec vous. Pour de vrai. Voulez-vous être mon -"(Peggy, I care about you. It's more than a friend care about - what I'm trying to say is, I want to be with you. For real. Do you want to be my -) I cut him off and kissed him. Passionately. "Of course I will."

Alrighty then😂😂😂😂😂

I kinda like this one but okay 😌

Hope you enjoyed!!!❤️💛💚💙💜

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