Lafayette x Reader -Fluff-

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A bet is a bet. That was your least favorite phrase, especially when dealing with Lafayette. The two of you had a habit of betting over stupid things.

Whether or not Alexander would drink 5 cups of coffee any given night.

How long it would take for Hercules to finish an order.

How many sketches of one object John would draw.

And usually these bets took place without the rest of the group knowing.

You and Lafayette were watching a movie on the living room. From your spot on the couch you could see Alexander typing up something, probably a report for one of his classes. He was raking his hands through his hair, clearly exhausted. You nudged Lafayette, he hummed in question.

"I bet that Alexander doesn't make it to three more cups of coffee tonight." You murmured.

Lafayette snorted. "Non. He makes it to three or more." He gave you a hand to shake.

"Terms?" You asked.

"When I win," He started, emphasizing 'when.' "Then you need to wear the Crocs I bought you for a whole day." Lafayette bought you a pair of Crocs as a gag gift last Christmas.

You smirked. "Fine. But after you lose, you need to wear your curls down for a day." You bargained.

"Mon cheri...then everyone confuses me as monsieur Jefferson." He whined.

"Well then you better hope you win." You challenged.

"You're on." He smiled and firmly shook your hand. The two of you began watching Alexander more than your movie. He finished off his second cup and continued typing. You and Lafayette watched as he stood and...filled up a third cup. You groaned in defeat. "I win mon cheri." You glared at him.

"You're lucky I love you." You said. He just grinned before leaning down to kiss you.

The next day you got dressed and stared at the rubbery-plastic shoes. Lafayette won. And a bet is a bet...

You put the shoes on and wrinkled your nose in discomfort. You wore socks otherwise the unbreathable material caused your feet to be too warm. The shoes felt like they were two sizes too big as they're designed to slip on and off. You hated these shoes, that's part of the reason Lafayette bought them for you in the first place. He had bought them to make you think that was your present before giving you your actual gift.

You huffed and went to meet up with Lafayette. He stood in the living room waiting for you. The two of you were going to the mall. You hoped to get out of the house quickly and unnoticed but John stopped you. "Crocs? Who hurt you so much in this life?" He asked.

You sighed. "My idiot boyfriend." You growled. "Let's just go." You told Lafayette who only laughed at your suffering. Lafayette drove and the whole way there you plotted your revenge. You had a plan as you pulled into the parking lot of the mall.

"Ready?" Lafayette asked as he parked the car.

"I guess." You sighed. Then looked at him and paused. "Oh Lafayette your ponytail is coming lose. Here, let me fix it." Before he could protest you pulled the elastic band from his curls.

Lafayette turned and curled up so he was sideways in the driver's seat, his back facing you. You gathered up all the curls, a challenge in and of itself, and started wrapping the band around it. Then, in a moment of pure evil, you tried wrapping the ponytail around one tighter than the elastic could handle. It snapped and you silently celebrated. If you had to wear Crocs then Lafayette had to be mistaken for an asshole.

"Oops." You said with faked innocence. Lafayette turned and gave you an unamused look.

"You are very lucky I love you mon cheri." He said lowly. You smiled and leaned up to kiss him softly.

"Let's go!" You said happily. On the walk in Lafayette started laughing. "What?" You asked.

"I just realized, I still win." He said happily.

"How do you figure? Sure I have to wear these awful shoes but you look like Thomas Jefferson's clone." You told him.

"Well that is true mon cheri, but you have to be seen with me." He told you.

You groaned as you realized he was right. Now people would think you were spending your free time with Jefferson. The pair of you got strange looks all day. People wondered what Thomas was doing at the mall, some even coming up to ask Lafayette just that. But you got the brunt of these strange looks. You lost count of the times you heard someone say "What are those?!" when they thought they were out of ear shot. But a bet is a bet. Lafayette was really lucky you loved him. 


I enjoyed this one and I hope you guys did too :33

I will repeat, this imagine wasn't by me! I felt like I didn't know what to write so I used this. I'm gonna go update my text book now. Biee Guys !

Btw I made that Lafayeete Picture ;33

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