Death Trap

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I stood by Master Windu and Skywalker as the young cadets walked in clearly amazed by the scene, I couldn't help but stifle my laughter as I saw Anakin stand a bit straighter. "Generals, new orders from General Kenobi await you in the war room, immediately,"

Anakin seemed to deflate "Another time then,"

As soon as we walked away I couldn't help but laugh "You seem more disappointed than our cadets,"

"It's our job to instruct and inspire,"

"You just wanted to show off," I smirked as I knew Master Windu was on the same side as me towards the argument.  "Padawan Cyneus why don't you go watch the cadets,"

I looked up at him "Sir?"

"It's alright, I'm sure there will be plenty of meetings later on,"

I kept a straight face and nodded as I walked off, but I couldn't help the smile as I walked into the gunnery "Hey R2," he chirped in reply as I stood by the wall and watched one of the troopers shoot at the flying targets outside.

"Looks easy, doesn't it? Well, looks can be deceiving. There's nothing more dangerous in all of space than a moving target,"

"What do you use for targets, sir?"

"Malfunctioning droids," beside me R2-D2 chirped and beeped that I laughed.

"Don't worry R2 you're too good of droid for them to use,"

"Now, this is my ship and my rules. I do not allow tourists on board, only soldiers. Now, time for target practice." He pointed to a young cadet "You there," the cadet looked frightened "Take the gun," The cadet sat in the chair but missed a large majority of the targets "Not even close. Next,"

"But I only..."

"Oh, no, you're done. You only get one chance. I promise you the Separatists don't give more. Next," The next cadet was close "A near miss is still a miss, kid."

"The sergeant's right. Training is no match for experience, and it's the one thing none of you have," A Trooper told the cadets

The Sergeant was looking at one of the cadets and I immediately did a second glance... it couldn't be. "I know that look." He nodded towards the cadet I was looking at and the cadet took a seat, each target was demolished and I knew, I was right. The Sergeant nodded "I see why they call you lucky, well, let's see how you are when seppies come at you in a tri-attack formation," even then Lucky hit all the targets.

The other cadets began to cheer for him "Alright, alright. Cut the chatter, men. We're due in observation deck 13. Fall out,"

The Sergeant stood next to me "Now, that's a cadet to watch,"

"Yes sir," I replied "but not for the reasons you think," I nodded to him "If you excuse me I have to return to the Generals,"



I ran into Lucky again as I walked with Master Windu "Eyes on where you're headed, cadet,"

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir," Lucky looked up at me and I saw his eyes glance over at me, I tried to make it hard that I didn't see. I walked next to Master Windu as we reached his quarters.

"Something on your mind Padawan?"

"No, sir. Just been awhile since I've been out of the temple," I explained

"Space can do that to you,"

A trooper approached us "Sirs, General Skywalker requests your presence on the bridge,"

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