Darkness on Umbara [3]

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"Quicken that pace, battalion. This isn't some training course on Kamino," General Krell ordered as he, Skysati, and the troops moved forward.

"The new general has a way with words," Fives noted.

"He's just trying to keep us on schedule," Rex reasoned.

"By raising everyone's ire?" Skysati muttered.

Rex heard the comment "Either way, he's in charge, and we've got a job to do. Just treat him with respect, and we'll all get along fine,"

Skysati moved for her lightsaber as she saw the flying creatures above them "Ready your weapons," she dodged as the creature made to grab her but instead, it grabbed a trooper.

General Krell jumped above the troops and tore through the creature. "Does anyone else want to stop and play with the animals?" He glared at Skysati who remained unmoved "Didn't think so. Now keep moving!"


A trooper walked up to Skysati as they continued on "Sir, we've been keeping this pace for 12 hours now. The men are getting worn down. We should rest,"

Rex went to talk to Krell, but Skysati stopped him.

"I'll talk to him," Skysati went ahead "Master Krell, the top of this ridge will make a good place for the men to make camp,"

"The men don't need rest," Master Krell proclaimed "They need the resolve to complete the task at hand,"

"But sir..."

"Do you understand the need to adhere to my strategy?"

"Sir, the terrain is extremely hostile. Despite the difficulty of the conditions, the battalion is making good time. These men just need a little break,"

"Youngling, do I need to remind you of this battalion's strategic mission in conquering this planet?" General Krell pointed back at the troopers "Look back. See those platoons? Their mission is to take this city and take it swiftly. Time and rest are luxuries the Republic cannot afford. We are the key to this invasion. The other battalions are counting on our support. If we fail, everyone fails. Do you understand this?" He looked back at the troopers "Do all of you understand this? Now, move on!"


Rex took his turn to speak with General Krell as he readied the troops "Sir, we're ready to bring our forward platoons in for a surgical strike on the city's defenses,"

"There won't be any need, Captain," General Krell proclaimed.


"All platoons will execute a forward assault along the main route to the city,"

"But, sir, General Skywalker's plan was to surprise them with multiple attacks. If we come in from the main route they're likely to engage us in a full-frontal assault,"

"Change of plans, Captain. I'm in command now,"

"With all due respect, General we don't know what we are up against,"

"It might be wiser to think first,"

General Krell turned towards Rex, Five's had to stop Skysati from doing something. "Are you questioning my order?" He showed Rex a holo map "This battalion will take the main road straight to the capital. You will not stop and you will not turn back regardless of the resistance you meet. We will attack them with all our troops not some sneak attack with a few men. That is my order and you will follow it explicitly. Do I make myself clear, CT-7567?"

"Yes, General,"

"Now, engage,"

Once Rex walked by her, Skysati joined his side.

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