Filler (Flashback)

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*A/N- hey readers. Just a heads up I put this chapter after witches of the mist so you wouldn't have to go backwards. But chronologically this flashback is meant to go between Hunt for Ziro and Witches of the Mist. Working on another chapter so let me know what you think in the comments*


"I was following you,"

Skysati walked through the marketplace of the planet her and the pirates had recently landed on. She had been relieved when Hondo had sent her on errands to "obtain" the supplies needed for the crew.

Less so, when Skysati had to remain in her slave garb.

Her skin crawled, not from the coldness of the planet, but rather from the eye glances male species gave her as she stumbled through the crowds.

People would constantly grumble in dismay at the girl's clumsiness, as Skysati would only silently apologize as she kept pushing through. None of them the wiser that the girl was stealing them blind.

Skysati looked down at the credits she had already obtained, frowning as she knew they wouldn't be enough to get her away from Hondo and his crew. Skysati cringed as she felt a slight shock and looked down at the tracking bracelet Hondo had "gifted" her with, another sure sign that she was not a person, but someone else's property. Skysati sighed in defeat as she knew she was running low on time. Skysati glanced around stalls and would wave her hand around to distract the seller and wave it again to have the produce drift into her back as she kept
walking as though nothing unusual was occurring. Skysati hated using her gift in such a way, but it was the only reason Hondo had kept her alive. Skysati paused as she noticed a blue Duros hand off a handful of credits to a seller.

It didn't take much for Skysati to realize that the Duros was a bounty hunter after all his look practically screamed outlaw. That and nobody around these parts could have that many credits, seeing as pirates only cared about their spice.

Skysati knew that what she was thinking was risky...stealing from a bounty hunter.

It had the possibility of leading to death...a very high possibility.

Skysati looked down at the bracelet, as it once again gave her a slight shock. She looked back up at the Duros, her decision clear. Skysati began to walk towards the stall that the Duros was currently looking at, gritting through the pain as the bracelet's frequency heightened. She took a deep breath as she walked passed the stall, ever so slightly, moving her wrist so the pouch that contained the credits would come towards her.

Not expecting when a hand grasped her wrist.

Skysati looked back into the beady red eyes of the Duros as he held her wrist.

"And where do you think you're going?" The Duros snarled.

Skysati didn't think, only acting out of instinct as her eyes widened in fear.

The fight or flight sense kicking in as Skysati thrust her hand out, causing the Duros to fall due to the invisible force.

Skysati stood in shock, only to remember that she, in fact, should be running rather than gawking at the Bounty Hunter she had just pushed down. Skysati made it to the far edge of the market when she felt her legs be wrapped by thin like thread, which brought her to the ground. Skysati struggled briefly only to scream out when her bracelet gave her an overpowering shock.

Hondo was not going to be in a good mood when Skysati returned. Hondo.

The name brought an idea to the girl as she watched the Duros come towards her.

"You don't want to hurt me," Skysati claimed calmly, she was surprised she could feel so calm when in fact on the inside she could feel her heart hammering against her rib cage.

"You a Jedi?" The Duros questioned.

Skysati scoffed at the notion "You honestly believe a Jedi would be caught wearing this?!" she gestured to her attire. Skysati held up her hands as the Duros aimed his blaster at her "Wait! Wait! Wait! You don't want to kill me,"

"I have a reputation to uphold. Having a youngling run off after stealing from me..."

"It wasn't my idea! I was forced to..."

"By who?"

"Hondo Ohnaka,"

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