Part 2: job ad?

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I was walking to the car that I had Rented with my bags with me and Kate behind me wanting to see me off. After I put my bags in the car and went to the drivers side.

"Well I guess I will see you tomorrow when I get back then Kate"
"Or I could be seeing me in a couple of months when you have time off the job that you will be getting" she said with a smile
"Why is it that other people have more confidence in me then I do"
"Because you always look on the negative side of thing before the positive side that why"
"Yeah yeah whatever"

Though I had to admit she was right

"Anyway Kate I will see you later and will tall you about ok"
"Ok have a safe drive (y/n)"

As I got in the car I gave one last wave to Kate then made my way to London were the interview is taking place.
I had to wonder why Pewdiepie was even in England I thought he lived in LA.

Well that does not matter what matters is that I will try and get this job.

This is going to be a long drive.

Time skip
I finally made my way to the hotel where I would be staying and where the interviews where taking place.
I got out of the car and made my way to the fount desk.

"Hello how made I help you today?" She woman said with a smile
"Hi may names (y/n) and I am here for the Pewdiepie interview"
"O so your the last one well your room is ready, and here is your room key"
"Thank you for the help have a nice day"
"Have a nice day to miss"

I looked down at my room key and saw that I was on the one of the top floors I know I had a text message this morning saying they have booked a hotel room for me but on the top floor no way.

I made my way to the elevator and put in the floor that I was on and it went up.

I came to the floor that I was on and started to go to my room.
I found my room and my god let me say that this was the best hotel room I have ever seen in my life.
It had golden walls with a 54, 54 fucking flat screen tv this bigger then I have ever owned in my life. Then I went in to the bed room they gave me a four poster bed and it was so soft it felt like I was lying on a cloud it was that soft.

As I was looking around the room I got a text message from the Pewdiepie company.

Dear miss (y/n), we have set your appointment for the interview at 11am tomorrow in the morning were you will be interviewed by Pewdiepie and some of his friends which too are youtubers, we hope you have a nice day and we you tomorrow thank you.

Well seems my interview is tomorrow that means I can relax and have a look around the town but before that I should text Kate saying that I am here.

Hey Kate it me, I just wanted to say that I am in the hotel and have my interview tomorrow at 11am also have a good day at school and talk later bye baes

I knew Kate would not text back because she was in school but I know her too and by that I mean I have to text her no matter what she is doing.

I started to get bored and looking around the room made me feel uncomfortable so I went out in to the town.

When I was making my way to the elevator I saw i woman that seemed to have tripped and was having trouble picking up her stuff so I helped her out.

As I was making my way over I saw a pair of glasses on the floor and guessed that they were her so I pick them up and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Excuse me but are these yours" I said with a smile and a gentle voice

"O my glasses thank you so much for finding them for me I was wondering where they were"she said with a happy smile

" don't worry about, here let me help you"
"O no you don't have to you must be busy"
"No not at all" I said while picking up some of her things

Once all of her things were together and put in her bag we both stood up and introduced our selfs
"I'm (y/n)"
"Thank you (y/n) for helping me I'm Marzia, I don't suppose that you are doing the Pewdiepie interview are you?"
"Yep that's me to be honest I didn't even sign up for it, it was my friend and roommate but I took seen as I just finished university and need a job. Are you here for an interview to?"

"Me? No,no I'm here as a guess that's all"

I was about to say something but her phone went off.

"Hello? O hey sweetie what's up? Ok. Ok. Ok I will meet you there love you bye."

"Thank you again for helping me (y/n) maybe we could hang out some time"
"Sure I would like that"

We swapped our phone numbers so we could text each other
"Bye (y/n) talk to you later"
"Bye Marzia see you later"

After all of that I walked to the elevator and went in to town waiting for tomorrow to come

Pewdiepie POV
I heard that the last candidate just arrived.
I was with mark and jack and of course my lovely partner Marzia god she is still so beautiful and amazing.

Me,jack and mark were walking down the corridor going to the elevator wanting to go in to town but as we turned to corner I saw Marzia on the floor picking up her things. Just as I was about to go help a girl that did not know walked up to Marzia with what seemed to be her glasses luckily me, jack and mark were close enough to hear the conversation they were having.

"I'm (y/n)"
So that's (y/n) huh she seems nice and she looks smart to.

"Hey Felix is that one of you candidates for tomorrow?" Jack said
"Yeah I think that's (y/n)"
"She seems nice" mark replied
I rang Marzia telling her where we are and asking her to come here

Before Marzia came to where we were she and (y/n) swapped phone numbers.

"Hey bae" she said and kissed me
"Hey who was that?"
"That was (y/n) she is one of the people we will be interviewing tomorrow, she's nice and I like her I think she would be great"
"It seemed like it don't ya think mark"
"I think so to jack what about you Felix?"
"She looks promising but hey that's for tomorrow and now all I want to do is go out in to the town with my friends and my girl"

With that said we all went out and had a good time.
1226 words holy mother of Satan that a lot anywho I hope you like this chapter and to also check out my other books to.
And as my darlings I hope you have had and going to have a lovely day and will see you in the next chapter bye~

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