19: Brimstone Outrun - PT 1

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So far, Project: D was in the lead with their point total, though Team Overdrive and the PTRE were close behind. It was all coming down to the final event: The Brimstone Highway Outrun.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Manuel?" Ryoske asked. "No offense, but don't you think someone like Akio would be better qualified for this kind of race?"

"I'm sorry, Ryoske. But it has to be me." Manuel said. "...Something about this event is calling out to me. I can't explain it, but... something, some sort of other-worldly force is drawing me to this event, and I just can't ignore it anymore. Is the Diablo ready?"

Ryoske raised an eyebrow, but didn't question Manuel any further. "It's ready. Yuya and Rim Fire got the settings all locked in just as you requested."

Manuel looked at Ryoske. "I'll have to thank them after the race."

"Just one question before you go on the track, Manuel." Ryoske said. "This race... Does this have anything to do with Hector?"

Manuel lowered his head. "...It has everything to do with him."

With that, he walked over to his Diablo, where Yuya, Rim Fire, and the other Biker Mice were standing.

"It all comes down to this, kid." Modo said. "We've done everything we can with the car. Twin Turbo, racing cams, dyno tuning... The works. The rest is up to you."

"Aw, don't worry about it!" Vinnie said, leaning on Modo. "Between the maintenance routines of Yuya and Kitami, this car is rock-solid! It should have no problems against the Cats and Stinkfish drivers! Now, Go and win this for your Bro! For Hector!" Vinnie gave Manuel a thumbs-up.

Manuel smiled. "Will do." He put on his racing helmet, and got into the car. Yuya ushered everyone away from the back of the car as Manuel started it up. The Diablo's V-12 snarled to life, spitting anti-lag flames out of the tailpipe as he revved up the engine! Manuel pulled the car up to the starting line, alongside the top five ranking drivers in the Redline event! Two of them were Sheranna Byte, in a car shaped like a Ford GT-90, and Wraish Clawton in a car that resembled a Mitsubishi 3000GT!

It was then that Manuel heard a voice in the cockpit! It was Hector's voice!

"Do not fear, I am watching you. Just let your skill bloom out on the racetrack. Nothing else matters now."

Manuel tapped the side of his helmet, thinking it was a radio malfunction in the headset at first. Nothing else was heard. He shrugged, and turned his focus to the race.

The Starting counter lit up, counting down.

Five... Four... Three... Two... One...


The five cars then took off, bolting off the line!

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