10: Natsuki and Mika's talk

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Chapter 10

Mika and Natuski's talk

Meanwhile, at the Stratos Needle...

Mika walked up to the room where Natsuki would be staying. She knew this was most likely going to be unpleasant, but this conversation had to be started by someone, and now. Otherwise, this could affect Takumi in his race, and the event would blow up in everyone's face. She knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Natsuki asked.

"It's Mika." Mika replied. Natsuki went and opened the door a crack to see who she was speaking to.

"Oh. I thought you were someone else..." Natsuki said.

"Don't worry. I understand. You thought I was one of the mice."

"Yeah." Natsuki opened the door. "Come in."

Mika entered Natuski's room. It was pretty much like the room she was staying in at the Stratos Needle: A queen-size bed, with a kitchen with some appliances, including the martian food processor where they would get their meals. There was also a flat-screen TV with a remote across from the bed, and a door that led to the bathroom.

"I'm sorry about everything. I probably shouldn't even be here..." Natsuki said as she sat down on the end of the bed.

"Everything happens for a reason." Mika replied. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah." Natuski put a hand on her stomach. "I haven't anything to eat since I got out of the station, nor been able to figure out where they get their food, and to be honest, I've been afraid to ask."

Mika was clearly surprised. The girl was scared out of her skin to even ask for a bite to eat! "That won't do at all! Okay, come on." She took Natsuki's hand and led her to the kitchen, showing her how to use the food processor to get something to eat. Mika got them some calming tea, with some cookies, and a meal of vegetable stir fry. They sat down at the table in the kitchen, and started to eat. The tea helped sooth both their nerves, as they took a sip occasionally with their meal.

"So, Takumi's here for a big race from what I've been able to understand, this "Redline" event?" Natuski asked.

"Yes. He and his friends were invited to participate, along with Manuel and Akio Asakura." Mika took another sip of tea. "To be honest, they are friends with three of these aliens. Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie. It's a long story, though if you don't mind listening, I'd love to tell it to you."

Natsuki nodded. "Okay, sounds good. It will help me get up to speed on things, anyway."

Mika then explained the past six years of events that had unfolded with the biker mice from everything she knew. Natsuki looked surprised from everything she had been told once Mika was done.

"They really have been busy, haven't they?" She asked.

"That they have." Mika said. "It's all led up to this moment. Now we are here, representing not only Mars, but Earth as a whole. So I guess I'd better just cut to the chase. I can believe you are here for a reason, but not for the one you assume, nor for the reason Kaido wanted. So I'll keep this simple, and short. Natsuki, I understand that you and Takumi were close, and I have respect for you because of that. However I do not mind if you still want to be his friend, as long as you keep it platonic. Takumi's been struggling with a lot lately since his last race at the Hakone Turnpike. He blew out the engine of his car there, you know."

"...He did?" Natsuki looked worried.

Mika noddeed. "He pushed himself very far and nearly gave that race everything he and his car had at the time. Thanks to Yuya, he's getting a new engine, taking his car to a whole new level. He will need it so he can compete in Redline. Natsuki Mogi, this is bigger than you, bigger than me... It's bigger than all of us, and the team needs our support more than ever. We can't afford any diversions or distractions right now, either. We need to help Takumi and his friends through this, all the way to the end. Whatever it holds. Do you think you could help me with that?"
Natsuki looked at Mika for a while, then nodded. She had a serious look on her face.

"I'll do whatever I can." She said.

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