8: Kaido's Return

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Back at the Stratos Needle...

Revolving Lounge...

"Hmm... Sounds like someone is trying to screw us over." Yuya said to the group as they talked about recent events.

"Sounds like the Cats know more than they presume about us." Ryosuke added. "That email address in the message was a little too obvious. It's like they didn't even want to hide who it would be from the mice. If that isn't pushing limits, then I don't know what is..."

"That's playing dirty!" Keisuke complained. "They should be disqualified right now, so why have we not heard anything about it yet?!"

As if to answer Keisuke's question, Throttle's phone rang. Throttle hit a button putting the phone in conference mode.

"Yes, scabbard?" Throttle asked.

"We've tracked down the perp who sent Ms. Mogi that message. Surprisingly, it wasn't just the Catatonians who were responsible."

"Then who was it?" Manuel asked.

"A human by the name Kaido Kirafuda is the main culprit." Scabbard replied. "With some help from the Catatonians, he set up the whole thing."

Yuya's face twisted into disgust. "Where is he?" He demanded calmly.

"With the Catatonians. He's registered as a 'Benefactor' to Team Overdrive."

At that moment, as if to perfect the timing of disruption, Kaido walked into the lounge from the elevator, with Cataclysm and Wraish at his sides.

Yuya and Manuel looked at Kaido, the disgust in their faces changing to bitter hate as Kaido walked up to the table.

"Konnichiwa, musuko." Kaido greeted his son in Japanese with what seemed mocking politeness as he walked up to their table. "I'm surprised you didn't invite me here to your event. You should have told me."

Yuya glared at Kaido. "I had my reasons, which I do not need to explain."

Kaido turnedo Manuel. "Vernandez." He greeted simply.

"Kirafuda." Manuel greeted back.

"How's the Focus? Still running good?" Kaido asked with an edge in his voice.

"Why do you need to know?" Manuel asked.

"Do you always deflect questions from your opponents with others?" Wraish challenged.

"Oh, not all the time. Just with choice opponents such as you." Manuel smiled. "Which I will choose to deflect any and all questions asked at my leisure."

"Bah! So be it. It's not like I came here to talk to you anyway, boy!" Kaido brushed off his business suit. "Musuko, I wish to talk to you in private."

"Only on one condition," Yuya replied, his scowl unchanged. "We stay here, in this building and room. We can go to a different booth, but not beyond earshot of the others."

Kaido smiled. "Very well."

Kaido and Yuya then went over to another nearby booth, everyone watching them intensely.

"First of all, we already know what you are up to, so what do you want?" Yuya asked with little patience as they sat down.

"Temper temper, musuko..." Kaido began.

"No temperance with you!" Yuya growled through bared teeth. "What do you want?"

Kaido frowned. "I honestly thought I raised you better than this. That Vernandez boy is rubbing off on you. But if you wish to get straight down to business, then so be it. The arrival of Takumi's old flame is certain to push things to Team Overdrive's favor, and I do not want you to be on the losing side. Either join us or step aside from the event. I won't ask twice."

Yuya laughed. "Is this really your best shot?" He asked with a grin.

Kaido leaned forward onto the table, rage showing in his features. "I have not ever begun to show my hand. I know every strategy your drivers use, which I've relayed to Wraish here, who is the team leader. I can promise you, will we make sure you have to claw your way to the top if you want to win Redline. Join Team Overdrive."

Yuya smiled. "If that's the best you can do to threaten us, it disappoints me. This conversation is over." He got up, and walked back to the table with Project: D.

"I hope you realize the mistake you are making. But you will realize that soon enough." Kaido said as Yuya walked away.

"What was that all about?" Manuel asked when Yuya returned to the Table.

"Lousy intimidation tactics." Yuya replied. "We had better get to the tracks, attend the opening ceremonies, then check out the events we can enter and begin practicing. We have a lot to do, and though I hate to say it, we're running out of time."

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