9: The P. T. R. E. & Team Overdrive

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Manuel, Yuya, Takumi, Keisuke, and the rest of the team drove to downtown Brimstone, Escorted by Throttle, Modo, Vinnie, Carbine, and Stoker, towards the City Hall where the opening ceremonies of Redline were to take place. As they drove to what would be the hub of the Redline Event, traffic thickened, as crowds were already starting to gather for the start of the ceremonies comprised of martian mice, and other intergalactic races.

"There sure is a lot of people here..." Takumi said.

"It's going to be the biggest spectacle for the local cosmos, Takumi. What did you expect?" Keisuke said brazenly.

They drove up to the car entry area. This is where the cars of all the contestants would be inspected, evaluated, and showcased for the public to see. Manuel had first been concerned about leaving his Diablo here. Takumi felt the same about his AE86, and Kesiuke mirrored their concerns with his RX-7 FD. But Throttle reassured them everything would be fine.

When they got up to the gates, the Drivers of Project D gave their keys to the valet drivers. They took the cars to the inspection area where the Redline officials would inspect and evaluate them. Modo motioned for them to follow him to the paperwork area, where they would have to fill out their entry forms. As they entered the area of city hall where they would sign the paperwork, they were greeted to a large area, filled with fans and contestants! The area was brimming with activity!

"Look at all these people!" Keisuke exclaimed in awe. "There must be at least a hundred contestants here if you don't count their fanbases!"

Takumi was just as in awe. "This is going to be something else, for sure!"

Modo guided them through the crowd to the sign-up desks. It was then that a bunch of fans noticed them.

"Look! Over here! It's Manuel Vernandez and Project D!" A voice exclaimed. The next thing they knew, they were surrounded by both fans and reporters alike! Some represented various Mars news stations, the others represented other alien news outlets. Each driver was being photographed by various cameras, as newscasters relayed their broadcasts through their cameras and microphones about the first Humans to enter Redline. Luckily, Modo and the other mice were able to guide them through the crowd to the sign-up desks.

Manuel and the other drivers of Project D completed their sing up forms and were guided over to what the officials were calling the "driver's lounge" on the third floor of the building. There was a glass ceiling overhead, relaxing techno music was playing softly on wall-mounted speakers, and the contestants were having various conversations with each other about the race and how they thought it was going to fan out. The group spotted Cataclysm with Wraish and three other catatonians in racing suits talking to each other. That was most likely the rest of Team: Overdrive.

"Wonder if their mood towards us has changed..." Manuel said to Yuya and the others after he got a drink from the concessions table.

"I doubt it." Yuya replied. "After the verbal lashing I gave Wraish, they most likely are going to fight this out. A racer's pride is not something to be taken lightly. It's one of our driving factors, after all. I wouldn't worry about them right now anyway, as they are not going to be our only problem."

Manuel looked over his left to see a bunch of Plutarkians in racing suits walking towards them.

"I think you are right about that," Manuel said, nodding his head in the direction of the approaching Plutarkians. They stopped right in front of the Project D drivers.

"So you are the bold humans who the mice have claimed as 'Honored Guests' and contestants of Redline... I expected more." The Lead Plutarkian, a female said. She had a medium-light athletic build with an average size waist, blue scales covering her head and hands, serving as skin. Her eyes were, for her race and species, the usual shade of crimson. Her jumpsuit looked a bit loose on her, as her pants were held up with a belt.

"Really?" Manuel said, giving a sarcastic smile. "If I were you, I wouldn't judge a book by it's cover, miss..."

"Sherahnna Byte, of the Plutarkian Tour Racing Enclave. But you can just call me Byte." She finished, folding her arms. "And please, don't make me laugh. Even though we didn't win the last three Redline events, we will win this one, Regardless of our opponent or their machines."

"I heard that, so don't put all your bets on winning it all yet," Wraish said, walking over with Team Overdrive. "The Redline events have not even begun, and you're already presuming too much, woman. Best keep your head down and your voice quiet, like a good girl. Or better yet, you should back out now, pack up, and go home. Women don't belong on the race track in the first place, after all."

Byte glared at Wraish, baring her piranha-like teeth. "Excuse me? Just who gave you the right to butt into this conversation, Wraish? Also, you seriously don't think I can cut it just because I'm female? I've held my own so far."

"I didn't see you 'cut it' for the last three Redline events. From what I recall watching your replays, your driving style is dated and... sketchy at best. Your record speaks for itself." Wraish said.

Manuel was silent and contained on the outside, but inside he was furious from the words that had left Wraish's throat! He himself had met women drivers that were more than capable of holding their own against any driver that was a man!

"Consider this your only warning, Wraish Clawton!" Byte snapped, turning her focus to the Catatonian. "Stay out of the Racing Enclave's business and way, or we will steamroll right over you!"

Wraish laughed. "Steamroll over us? I wouldn't count of that." With that, Wraish and his team walked off. So did Byte and the rest of the P. T. R. E. with steamed heads.

"Damn." Keisuke said. "I've heard of trash talk, but that takes the cake..."

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