7: Social Turbulence

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"What?!" Carbine exclaimed. "Are you serious? Tell me this is a bad joke, Scabbard!"

"Afraid not." Scabbard said as Mika stopped rolling the camera. "They're really shaken up and are demanding to speak with Takumi Fujiwara. Their names are Mogi Natsuki, and Shinji Inuiji. Blood tests and scans register them as human. This is the real deal, Carbine."

Takumi got up from the table. He wasn't happy. "...Take me to them." He said.

"I'm going, too." Manuel said, getting up from the table. He wasn't happy, either.

"Manuel, you don't..." Takumi began, but Manuel cut him off by holding up his hand.

"Please. Do not argue with me over this, Tak." Manuel said flatly.

# # # # # # # # # #

Takumi and Manuel were led down from the Stratos Needle to a car waiting down at the bottom near the exit. They got in, and were driven to another building in the city, near the spaceport. It was the local law enforcement and customs office, judging by the insignia on the building.

Takumi and Manuel were escorted inside by Scabbard and a few other officers. They were led into an office work area, filled with desks and computers. Natsuki and Shinji were sitting on a couch in the corner. From the expressions on their faces, they were still in a big shock.

When they saw Takumi and Manuel walk in, they shot up off the couch. Natsuki ensnared Takumi in her arms, crying.

"Takumi! Thank god!" She said, looking over Takumi with worry. "Are you okay? They didn't do anything to you, did they? Are you hurt?"

"Natsuki, calm down!" Takumi replied, having to pry himself out of Natsuki's grip. "Believe it or not, we were invited here for a contest. Now how did you sneak onto our craft?"

"What?!" Natsuki exclaimed. "Invited? That's not what I heard! I got an email from some vague address that said you were going to be kidnapped! I wasn't sure about it, and went over to the shop, thinking it was just some sort of prank, but when I saw the ship..."

Manuel scowled. "Someone in the contest just did a big no-no." He said, looking over to Scabbard. "Who do you think it was?"

"We're looking into it, Mr. Vernandez." Scabbard answered.

"I certainly hope you are." Manuel replied, hints of abrasion in his tone. He turned to Shinji. "So how did you get involved? Did you also receive one of these strange emails?"

Shinji was silent, turning his face away from Manuel.

"It's not very polite to just turn away and ignore someone who's talking to you." Manuel's abrasive tone increased in harshness.

"So, keeping a dirty secret like close encounters from everybody else is any better?" Shinji quipped back.

Manuel's temperament cracked at that point. He got up straight in Shinji's face, centimeters separating them. "If it is a secret to me or my friends, then what business is it of yours, Shinji?!" Manuel snapped. "I don't go prying around in your personal life, so what the hell gives you the right to start prying around in mine or Takumi's?! Just who elected you as head detective, anyway?!"

Manuel's flash of anger caused Shinji to stumble backwards a few steps. Scabbard stepped between the two to make sure the argument didn't come to physical blows of force.

"That's enough! From both of you!" Scabbard said. "Mr. Vernandez, I recommend you take some time to calm down. We'll handle this."

Manuel, steamed but in control, walked out of the room.

"As for you, Mr. Inuiji, you'd better turn around that attitude of yours before we send you back home on the next transport, as cargo." Scabbard replied.

Shinji backed down, the intimidation changing his attitude, leaving the room.

"So who sent you this email you mentioned, Natsuki?" Takumi asked.

"I don't know..." Natsuki replied. "I still have my Galaxy, it's right here." She got out her smart phone.

Takumi and Scabbard looked at the message on the phone.


Ms Mogi,

7:00 AM Today, Fujiwara Tofu Shop.

Don't miss the transport, or it will be the last time you see him.

From: Ktails2000 ra_champs.com


Scabbard sighed. "Ms Mogi, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take your cell phone for a few hours to catalog this into evidence, and track down the source of this message for what I now fear to be an attempt at interference in the Redline event."

# # # # # # # # # #

Manuel sat on a bench in the building's lobby, fuming in anger silently. He tapped his foot on the floor, his arms folded. The levels of agitation he was giving off broadcast to anyone who walked by "don't ask, don't even think about it."

He had called Throttle to come pick him up a few minutes ago, since he was stranded here without his car.

Throttle walked into the lobby. Manuel saw him, and got up off the bench, walking over to him. He snuffed out his irritation with the current situation, not wanting to bring the troubles with him.

Manuel took a deep breath. "Glad you're here." He said to Throttle.

"No problem." Throttle responded. "I heard what happened. Feeling okay?"

"I'm just not going to let it bother me anymore after this." Manuel said. "Whoever wrote Natsuki that text has done enough. I think I may have to talk to Takumi later."

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