Something different

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I tapped my pencil over and over again on my desk. This stupid clock would not move faster and it was basically killing me. It was only third period. I still had 3 more classes to get through. Luckily however I had lunch after this with all my people. I just wanted it to be the end of the day already so I could cuddle with Cody in my bed and watch a movie. My dad would be at work and I already talked to Dylan about getting Reid outta the house so it was perfect. Every other time Cody came over while Reid was there he would try to steal him from me. I rolled me eyes. Stupid brothers. The bell ringing interrupted my thoughts.
"There will be a test tomorrow about everything we just covered!" The teacher shouted as he turned off the projector and everyone began to pack their bags. Well shit. I sighed packing up my own bag and heading to lunch. It was a quick walk to the cafe and I could already see Nikki flipping out about something or another.
"Gianna please tell me you're free after school today." Nikki whined at me as soon as I sat down at the table. I shook my head.
"Sorry Cody's coming over. We're gonna lay in bed, watch a movie, and cuddle." I told them happily. Karli snorted a quick laugh.
"Oh yeah I'm sure G with your brother and dad home? Not gonna happen." She told me. My lips turned up in a smirk.
"My dad will be at work and Reid will be at Dylan's!" I said proud of myself for thinking again. I pulled out my sandwich and quickly took a bite.
"Oh la la." Nikki said she hip checked me "So sounds there will be more than just cuddling and movie watching going on." I started to choke on the bite of sandwich I was chewing.
"What?" I asked her "Nikki it's only been a month." I told her. Cody and I got close fast sure and we've had really heated make out sessions but that's as hard as we've gotten. One time his shirt came off but then we were interrupted by my brother. Shocker. Nikki rolled her eyes. Another shocker.
"You mean you've been dating for a month but you've known him for three. Boys have expeditions and needs GG." She told me. I just looked at my lap.
"Nikki shut up." Karli told her "Gianna it's your choice. If you want to go for it. It would be a good time since the house will be empty. If not don't. Cody will just sit and watch the movie with you. He's done it before. There's no need to rush things. At all." I nodded smiling at her. I knew Cody would force me to do anything I didn't wanna do but what did I want to do? Suddenly an arm was around my shoulders pulling me into a bear hug. I smile against my boyfriends chest as he kissed the top of my head.
"Hey Gia, Karli, Nikki. Anything super fun to report?" He asked us all.
"I have something fun to report!" Jake announced placing his tray on the table "I am officially in the lead of the game!" Richard sat down next to Karli who scooted closer to Nikki.
"For now." Richard said grumping. Dylan and Reid laughed sitting on the other side of the table.
"Dude the only person behind you out of the 5 of us is Cody." Reid explained still laughing. Dylan slapped Reid on the back.
"Oh like you have room to talk. You haven't gotten any points in like 2 weeks man." Dylan told him also laughing. Reid stabbed his fork in his pasta and chewed angrily.
"Maybe Reid and Cody are just too mature to play anymore." I said shooting my brother a smile. I really was proud of him.
"I don't know about mature." Cody trailed off "I just know I already got my prize." I looked up at him surprised. His eyes widened. "Not to say you're a prize to be won or anything. Like you're not an object. I just mean. No no. I meant. It's just" I was going to cut him off but this was too funny. He looked at the guys for help but they all quickly looked down at their plates of food. I tried to hold my shocked now mad face for as long as possible until I cracked. I busted out laughing and leaned into Cody's.
"I know what you meant." I told him "I just loved seeing you worried." He poked my side while made me squirm and giggle.
"Oh you are so getting pay back for that later." He told me "did you forget we have plans? I could make it a lot harder for you to enjoy the movie." My mind flashed back to what Nikki said for a moment until my brother's voice pulled me back.
"Wait you're coming over today?" Reid asked "is that why-" Reid was cut off and I thanked my stars. A short Asian girl with long brown hair had tapped Reid on the shoulder.
"Alison!" Reid said happily "Hey! What's up?" He turned from the table to completely face her.
"I just wanted to make sure you understood what to do with your half of the project. Since it's due tomorrow and all." She told him. Her eyes weren't focused on him and I could say she had something else she wanted to say. He nodded.
"Yep! I even have it done! I wanted to make sure to have it ready to go tomorrow! Do you need help with yours?" He asked her. I giggled to myself I have never seen Reid so excited to talk to a girl who isn't going to give him sex. She shook her head no.
"I have mine done. Though maybe you could come over and we could put them together." She asked "j-just to make sure they you know work and there's no hiccups or anything." She added quickly. I could tell some of Reid's charms were working on her. She wanted to hang out with him.
"What about the baseball game deal?" He asked her. She rolled her bright blue eyes.
"Oh that's still on. Don't think this is anything more than a study session." She said as she turned around "I'll text you." And like that she was gone. My brother said down with a smile playing on his face. Which of course the boys teased him about. I shook my head. Alison was a good girl and that's what my brother needed. A good girl. The bell rang singling lunch over. We all got up and threw away our trash in the bins as we made our way to our next class. Cody leaned down to kiss me outside of my classroom door. He quickly pecked me on the lips but I grabbed his shirt pulling him back to me. I kissed him for longer than we normally do when he drops me off at class but he wasn't protesting. I bit his bottom lip with my teeth gently before pulled back. He looked me with wide eyes.
"What was that?" He said me "not that I'm complaining." I giggled.
"I don't know. Just something different I guess." Told him as I turned to walk into my class.
"Well hopefully we can continue that something different later." He called to me and with a wink he was walking to his next class. I did want something more with Cody and today I was gonna show him.


So there you go! Another chapter as promised probably not the one you guys thought it would be however I wanted you to meet Alison! Plus there's some stuff about to go down! Stay tuned


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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