Spartacus' Story

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Cody's POV

I got Gianna's house and saw there was a sign on the door. 'Be quiet. She's sleeping. Come up to my room.' It was in Reid's hand writing I grabbed the paper and quietly walked inside, upstairs, and to Reid's room. He was sitting on his bed on his laptop when I walked in.
"Hey" I said awkwardly I wasn't really sure what to think or say when I walked in.
"Hey man. So long story short. Gianna's sick we were wrong and she wants you to just make you guys official so to make my little sister happy I'm gonna help you." He told me. My face broke out into a smile. Gianna wanted to be mine. "Don't be so smiley about it." He told me. I tried to lessen my smile but I couldn't I was just too happy. I was about to make Gianna my girlfriend with the help of her brother. The one person I was most scared of hating me for dating her.
"Okay so how am I gonna do this?" I asked him. Reid smirked at me.
"Do you remember how we were talking about Spartacus today after class?" He asked me. I nodded slowly not catching on "Remember what I said about Gianna and Mira and girl dog?" He nodded again. Reid sighed. "Just look at my computer already!" I looked at the lit up screen to see a google search for local dog shelters.
"Really?" I asked. I was putting it all together. Reid nodded.
"My dad said it was okay. So I figured we'd head down there and you could put a collar or something around her neck that said 'Will you be my girlfriend' or something." Reid explained. I shook my head. I had a much much better idea.
"Man you're helping me a lot but I have an even better idea." I told him. Reid just looked at me.
"Alright let's hear it." I said.

Gianna's POV

I woke up feeling a little bit better. I drank the bottle of water on my night stand probably from Reid. After I downed the water bottle I checked my phone to see what time it was. It was 6 at night and I felt like I could sleep for another 12 hours. Hopefully after I got something in my stomach I would so I could go to school. I wanted to get into my group and start taking over control. This was gonna be a piece of cake as long as everyone listened to me. If they didn't listen to me I'd probably A) lose my mind B) kill one if not all of them. I sighed and swung my feet over the side of the bed only be greeted by the cold floor. I was so taking Reid up on getting me whatever I wanted to eat. I wanted McDonald's fries and Canes chicken. Yep. I walked down the hall to my brother room the door was shut but I just opened.

"Hey Reid?" I asked as I opened the door, I heard a crash and than saw Reid standing next to his bed.

"Hey G. What are you doing in here?" He asked me.

"You said you'd get me whatever I wanted to eat when I woke up and got hungry. Well I'm up and I'm hungry." I told him. He laughed at me. It wasn't his normal laugh. Did he have a girl in here?

"Reid." I started.

"Here come on Gianna let's go get you that food!" He said pushing me out of his room.

"But Reid I don't have much clothes on!" I shouted at him. He quit moving and looked at me.

"oh we're just going through the drive thur you're fine!" He told me pushing me to the stairs.

"But I didn't even tell you where I wanted to go!" I hollered trying to stop his pushing but he was much stronger than me "Reid what is going on?!" I turned to look at him. He didn't look right.

"Oh nothing I just wanna get my little sister feed so we should go outside get in the car-" He stopped mid sentence and his eyes grew wide "On second thought you're right! Go put some clothes on! Come on Gianna you know I like you to be more covered than this!" I was then pushed into my room and with a slam of the door I was alone. I narrowed my eyes at the door. I was going to get the bottom of this.... after that jerk paid for my food.


I opened my eyes as I heard my alarm buzzing at me. That jerk! I quickly turned off my alarm. After Reid and I got back from getting my food I was so ready to confront from about why he was acting so weird and I never was able to because he tricked me! He said we'd talk after I ate than he told me he had to run out and get me some medicine when he got back I took what he gave me. Than I don't remember anything. That jerk gave me the night time medicine so I'd fall asleep! Well I was 100% going to school today and finding out what he was up too! Just than my door opened to show that stupid jerk.

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