Someone Has a Date With an All Black Outfit

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Gianna's POV

The last bell of the day rang and everyone was so happy that they got to go home. Relax, maybe do some homework so they didn't have to do it later. But me? I had to go to Reid's stupid baseball practice. Cody's been avoiding me all day and I know it's because of what I told him about my mom. I felt awful. Walking down the hallway my mind raced about all how awkward it was going to be and how everyone would notice. Suddenly I was hip bummed by a certain red hair I know.

"Hey Nik." I told her failing at hiding the worry in my voice. She looked down at me since she was around 5 inches taller than me in her heels.

"What's on your mind this time?" She asked me. I sighed. Nikki knew me too well and too long to know that I generally was always worried about something or someone.

"You remember how I told you about how I told Cody about my mom?" I asked her.

"Very long confusing line but yeah." She answered.

"Well he's been avoiding me and I think I freaked him out." I explained hugging my books I hadn't bothered to back in my bag after class. Nikki laughed.

"G I'm sure you're fine." She told me "Boys like to be your superhero. Cody is proving to love it." I smiled remembering how he saved me from that awful guy at the party, made sure I got home, spent the day with me while the boys went to beat him up, held me while I cried about my mom. Maybe he did like being my hero.

"Butttt...." Nikki said dragging it out "I could take you home if you'd let me raid your closet since I need something cute for school tomorrow and I don't get my card reloaded until Friday." I laughed and nodded my head.

"Sure! Let me stop at my locker and we'll go! Is Karli coming over too?" I asked.

"Way ahead of you." Nikki said as she hit a few buttons on her phone. I giggled and hoped I had enough food at my house for what was about to come.


"In my mind I've been over this a thousand times it's almost over let's start over!" Nikki and I belted before she turned off the car and sadly the radio as we pulled into my driveway.

"I love that song!" I gushed. Nikki giggled at me.

"Who doesn't?" She asked.

"Um.. my brother." I told her as I unlocked the door and walked in.

"Yeah well what does that man whore know anyways?" She asked. I laughed pushing open the door to the kitchen to be greeted my 5 teenage boys and a loud burp.

"Awe man nice!" Jake shouted from the countertop he was sitting on. While Richard was in one of the chair at the bar, Cody on the bar, Dylan leaning against the fridge and Reid looking the in cupboards.

"Damn we're outta food." Reid whined as he shut the doors.

"We're what?!" I shouted. Reid looked over his shoulder at me.

"Oh hey G, Nikki." Reid said not giving it a second thought. The other boys all said hello as well. Oh hey?! That's all I get? Karli was gonna be here any minute and now we had no food to eat while we gossip and destroy my closet/ room.

"Hey girls!" Karli sang as she enter the kitchen doorway where Nikki and I were standing "Oh my wow." I snorted.

"You can say that again." I agreed.

"Sorry G we all have dates tonight we had to eat before hand." Reid said. Nikki laughed.

"What are you guys girls?" She asked. The all looked confused.

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