What Even Is Courting?

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Cody POV


I woke up with a smile on my face. I was happy. I was really truly happy. Last night had been perfect. I helped out the girl of my dreams and kissed her. Now she’s mine. For real. Well in a way. I sat up and flung my legs over the side of my bed. Today was going to be good it had to be. I got dress for school by brushing my teeth, fixing my hair, and all that other bathroom crap. I knew the hardest part of today was gonna be getting dressed. Gianna and I were courting I think she called it. We go out on dates but we are free to see other people. The word reminded me of a lawsuit or something. I just wanted Gianna to be mine already but I was going to go along with this courting thing as long as she wanted. I smiled at the ground as her giggle entered my mind.


“Oh stop it!” She told me pushing me lightly as she giggled.

“I’m serious. I thought I could make myself smarter by shoving book pages up my nose and to my mind.” I told her. I was only 5 and listened to my uncle when he told me it was true “Okay! Your turn. Tell me something you did when you child that’s weird.” I told her. That was our deal. We’d ask questions and both answer them.

“No laughing.” She told me pointing a finger at me. I put my hands up and she giggled before taking a sip of water. “Okay. I used to brush my hair every night before bed incase Peter Pan came to take me to Neverland.” My mouth dropped open but I quickly closed it before a loud howl laugh could come out. She sighed. “This is why Nikki and Karli are the only ones who know. Cause it’s weird.” She told me. I smiled at her.

“No. It’s not it’s adorable just like you.” I told her and grabbed her hand.


I shook my head smiling. Moving quickly I pulled out a black v neck tshirt and dark wash jeans from my closet to be my outfit today. After I was dressed and had my shoes on I was out the door to go pick up my girl for school.


Gianna’s POV


I yawned and stretched and moaned loudly as I woke up to my stupid alarm going off. I was not looking forward to today I just wasn’t feeling school. I think I got sick last night at some point or maybe it was the food but I felt like shit. I turned on the shower I had showered last night but I needed the steam to clean out my throat it was full of snot or something. I looked in the bathroom mirror and saw what I was dreading. My eyes were red and puffy, my hair was just a complete mess from going to sleep with it wet last night, my face was totally pale, and the worst was my nose. I looked like rudolph the red nose reindeer. I had to go to school however I had 3 big tests today that I couldn’t make up later because exams were so close. I cleared out my throat then turned off the shower. No make up today. I was done. I brushed out my hair and threw it in a ponytail. I would go in for half a day. My tests were within my first 4 periods I could get Nikki to take me home at lunch if I promised to buy her starbucks this morning. I moaned again and walked over to my walk in closet. As I was trying to figure out what to wear I almost felt and died over my clothes from last night. I quickly tried to grab on to something but I failed and fell on my butt with a loud thud.

“I hate my life.” I whispered to myself. Then I saw my clothes on the floor and I smiled like an idiot but I quickly stop myself thinking back to last night.


Cody slowly pulled away from me. I mean he just kissed me!

“Gianna.” He started “I didn’t make up what I said. I do like you and I want the chance to date you.” I had to lock my jaw to keep from it from dropping. “So what do you think Gianna? Do you think you wanna give us a shot?” I smiled and nodded happily before I could even think about what I was doing. The night was amazing. As soon as I got home I started to doubt. Cody knows about the game. He knows I’m worth the most. Does he mean all this? I mean he just agree to court me! Who even courts anymore?! Or maybe he’s just trying to make me happy.


And that is how my night went on. I was worrying and confused until I just fell asleep. I don’t remember my dreams it was just black. Suddenly I heard my bedroom fly open and someone storm in.

“Gianna?!” My brother cried out.

“I’m in my closet!” I shouted back “Dressed!” Reid was in the doorway in a second. His hair was wet and he had a towel around his wasit.

“You think I care if you’re dressed?! Are you okay?” He asked me taking my hand.

“Yes?” I said pulling away my warm hand away from his cold hand. He sighed and stood up. “What?” I asked.

“I heard a huge thud from your room that’s what!” He shouted.

“Oh. Sorry.” I told him. He shook his head. “Why aren’t you like almost ready?”

“No baseball this morning and I don’t feel like having a morning hook up so I’m taking my time today. What about you? It’s Nikki gonna be here in like 15 minutes. You look like you just rolled outta bed.” I rolled my eyes.

“Thanks Reid so much! I was just about to get dressed and then I was gonna leave.” I told him glaring at him. His hand flew to his neck.

“Opps. Um sorrry. Bye.” He said as he ran outta my closet probably knowing I was going to throw clothes at him. Knowing he was probably wrong about what time Nikki was coming and I only had 5 minutes I threw on some black leggings and a oversized off the shoulder grey tshirt. Seconds after I got my combat boots out and zipped on I heard Nikki’s horn. I ran down the stairs grabbed a roll and open the front door to hear Nikki’s high pitched voice yelling.

“I can’t believe you!” She shouted clearly upset. I sighed and took in the scene. Nikki just roughly pulled into my driveway leaving the other driver half way in the street half way in the driveway. I saw Nikki throw the car into park and open her car door. Shit was about to go down I quickly ran outside.

“Nik what happened?!” I asked her. She was flaming.

“That little boy toy just almost hit my car!” She shouted pointing at the other car. I looked over just in time to see Cody step out of the car. What was he doing here. I put a hand on Nikki’s shoulder.

“I’ll handle it.” I told her as I started walking towards Cody I heard Nikki huff then get in her car and slam the door.  

“Um hey.” I said as I got closer to him “What are you doing here?” I asked. He looked confused.

“I’m picking you up and taking you to school.” He explained. I sighed.

“I’m sorry. Nikki generally picks me up.” I told him.

“Oh. Hey are you okay? You don’t look so good.” He said. I huffed.

“I’m fine okay! I know I don’t look today!” I shouted at him. Before he could say anything we hear a honk. It belonged to someone who was clearly upset about Cody’s car being half in the driveway and half in the street.

“I should probably go move that.” He said.

“Yeah.” I agreed before walking away and getting in Nikki’s car.

“You okay?” She asked. I nodded. That’s when she knew not to ask anymore questions and just drive. That’s also when I knew I should’ve never gotten outta bed that day.


Hello guys! So I am so sorry I haven't posted! I've been SO BUSY! I've had a day with all my high schoolers doing The Addams Family for the last time ever and it hurt I miss my babies already. The day after I went to go see Newsies with my best friend it was just perfection! Like I said he either makes me feel like a princess or like I'm useless and that night was totally princess! Which was awesome! Then I got in a fight with my friend last night over my best friend and it was a whole big mess and I ended up telling my best friend we couldn't be friends anymore. I haven't cried that hard in a while but everything's fixed. So! I hope you guys enjoyed this update! I'm sure it's not what you were expecting! I'll try to update on Sunday! Oh and can we just talk about the fact that I'm almost at 20K reads?! You guys my mind is just blown by you! So thank you! Until next time! I love you!


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