Time To Play Sick or Not Sick

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Giana's POV

I laid my head down on the desk in front of me. I was so done with today and it barely started.
"What do you have?" Karli asked as she hesitantly sat next to me. I smiled and picked my head up.
"Maybe just a cold. Maybe nothing." I explained and put my head back down.
Karli and Nikki knew that when I was acting like this I was sick not upset. When I'm upset I smile through the tears. Though the fact that my eyes are blood shot as I'm smiling kinda gives it away. Karli sighed.
"If you get me sick before the game." She started. I sat up and waved her off.
"You'll be okay Karls I promise." I told her.
"Okay." She said "so I want details of your date with Cody!" Her face was taking up her whole face. I gave her a small smile.
"It was amazing." I told her.
"Well speak of the devil!" She said giving me a playful push. I looked over at the door and sure enough Cody, Jake, Richard, Dylan, and Reid walked in. I smiled hugely as they all passed Karli and I to go back to the back where their seats are. Reid saw me smiling and his face turned into a frown before quickly turning back into a smile. Cody didn't even look at me. I turned back around in my seat with a frown on my face. Cody didn't even look my way. Was he mad about this morning? Did I some how choose Nikki's side over his? My head was spinning, hurting, and about ready to fly off my neck. And I hadn't even started my first test.

Cody's POV
I walked up to the guys noticing that Jake was missing from the group. Once I got to the group we all said our morning tired hellos.
"Where's Jake?" I asked. Richard laughed.
"Where do you think?" Oh he must be having a morning hook up.
"Well look who's back!" Reid called as Jake ran over to the group fixing his hair.
"Hey guys." He said then noticed me "dude how'd the date go?" I smiled and rubbed the back of my neck.
"Minimal details please." Reid said "Id like to keep my breakfast." Everyone laughed.
"Well the date went great. We just talked and talked and talked then we left." I explained.
"Sounds good." Dylan commented. I put up on hand.
"Well I thought so too. So I went to go pick her up for school this morning." I explained.
"Oh" Jake sighed "dude that's a no. Nikki always takes Gia to school." He explained. I nodded.
"Yeah I got that when she almost crashed into my car this morning and then busted my ear drums shrieking about it." Everyone laughed but I was being totally serious. My ears were still ringing. "Then Gianna was acting really weird."
"She's sick." Reid said "her face was all red this morning which either means she's sick or has been crying and for your sake we better hope it's the first one." Reid definitely didn't like the idea of me making Gianna cry and to be honest I didn't either.
"She's probably sick man." Richard told me giving me a pat.
"Yeah she's always all smiley when she's sad cause she tries to hide it but you can totally tell she's been crying. Her eyes are all red and her nose." Dylan started laughed.
"She looks like Rudolph the red nose reindeer!" Jake finished for him. I nodded.
"Good to know." I said just before the bell rang.
"Come guys lets get to class. No point in being late if we aren't hooking up." Reid said and so we did. As soon as we walked into the class room I saw Gianna talking with Karli with an awful look on her face. So that meant it wasn't my fault and she was sick. Okay good! As soon as she saw us walk in her face broke into a smile. Shit. I quickly walked back to our seats first before anyone could say anything. The guys slowly followed me and soon that we're back there just looking at me. Richard laughed after a moment the leaned down to me
"Dude you're dead." And didn't I know it.


Okay hey guys!!! I'm sorry for the long wait! So I brought my laptop to the hotel I'm nannying at and guess what? NO WIFI. So I wrote this on my phone so I have no idea how long it is! Thank you guys so much! I have 25,000 views!!! Like what?! I never thought that would happen! You guys are amazing! Thank you for sticking with me and this book! I promise the next update will be soon! I love you!


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