Chapter 5

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You and Louis walk into Zayn's flat laughing and find Perrie sitting on the couch watching some tv. "Hey Perrie, where's Zayn?" she turns her attention and her jaw drops. "Rae you look gorgeous!" "Doesn't she always?" Louis remarks making you giggle. "Thanks." you blush a little. "Well yeah I mean you always do-" she trailed off. You knew you didn't. Normally your hair was in knots, you had hideous glasses and braces. Not to mention your choice in style was not the best. Luckily the boys (other than Zayn who's been too busy with Perrie) have helped you with your wardrobe. "Umm right Zayn. I think he's still in bed. I was going to wake him, but I always feel really bad when I do that. So I've just been sitting here catching up on some news." "You want me to go get him so we can eat? I'm starving and Lou here refused to let me eat until my braces were off." you pat his stomach. "Yeah if you want to wake him that'd be great." "Okay I'll go get him." you leave Perrie and Louis and go barge into Zayn's room.

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